
What's more important?

3 (3.3%)
54 (60%)
Both are important
33 (36.7%)

Total Members Voted: 90

Author Topic: Do real gamers care about graphics?  (Read 16686 times)

no i just want the damn thing to work.

Also, doing nothing but playing Call of Duty doesn't make you a gamer.

It really isn't that big of a deal to me, I just don't like something that looks half assed
*cough* wii *cough*

It really isn't that big of a deal to me, I just don't like something that looks half assed
*cough* wii *cough*
you've obviously never played tri, galaxy, that one crazy sonic game, twilight princess, or anything ever.

you've obviously never played tri, galaxy, that one crazy sonic game, twilight princess, or anything ever.

Goldeneye 007.

Also, that Sonic game is Sonic Colors.

I don't care. I just want the game to be fun and have good gameplay.

And people that hate Minecraft because of it's graphics are idiots because that is the intended style for graphics.

^I don't think you understand how paragraphs work bro
I do, but I'm not going to take the time to do it on the internet.

I do, but I'm not going to take the time to do it on the internet.
no, instead you do it in a way that takes even more of your said time to do.

While I have to admit, graphics do play a big role in games, gameplay is the most important. I personally wouldn't want to play on any graphics engine that I can barely make out what I'm doing. Minecraft is a great example of gameplay over graphics. c:


Graphics can add to the overall quality of a game, but only if it already has good gameplay. I don't completely not care about graphics in a game, I just put it behind other things such as gameplay and optimization on my list of things to care about.

Consolecigarettes piss me off.

Consolecigarettes piss me off.
My pc sucks to much. :c

The only time I care about graphics is when I'm getting graphics worse than the current standard (Nintendo, I'm looking at you.)

Galaga and Pac-Man> Halo Reach and Black Ops

What if you are handed two options:
A AAA game hot off the presses with the latest graphical qualities and looks photorealistic,"Modern" War shooter;
or a 8-bit sidescroller with the deepest story you've ever heard and superb gameplay while still being 8bit?

Which do you choose?