Author Topic: Blockyard - What the hell?  (Read 17255 times)

textures look incredibly out of place

are you gonna keep them, change them, or add some sort of texture switcher?

We are just using some free textures as place holders at the moment.  Which current textures bug you the most?

textures look incredibly out of place

are you gonna keep them, change them, or add some sort of texture switcher?

"Fire", I got a idea.

How about using a similar texture system as Minecraft uses? 16x16 textures, more precisely.

You should be able to use textures from normal blocks on static blocks, like wise you should be able to have non-static plank blocks.

"Fire", I got a idea.

How about using a similar texture system as Minecraft uses? 16x16 textures, more precisely.

Minecraft is a super cool game with a cool style; however, I'm reluctant to imitate their look.  In general, I guess you prefer the retro/pixelated textures over the more photo realistic style textures?

You should be able to use textures from normal blocks on static blocks, like wise you should be able to have non-static plank blocks.

Currently, we think it is useful to easily distinguish between normal blocks (react to gravity, explosions, forces, etc) and static blocks (never move for any reason).  Normal blocks have various metal textures whereas static blocks have non-metal textures. 

Would you trade off being able to tell the types of blocks apart to allow all textures on both styles of blocks then or perhaps do something else to distinguish normal blocks from static blocks?

Minecraft is a super cool game with a cool style; however, I'm reluctant to imitate their look.  In general, I guess you prefer the retro/pixelated textures over the more photo realistic style textures?

In a game you build with Blocks 8-bit/16-bit textures would fit nice, alternatively some nice-fitting HQ textures, but there aren't many games that use nice HQ textures in a block game, as there aren't many games that use blocks.

Blockland is a good example of a nice resolution good-looking texture. Minecraft has high resolution texture packs, but if you look at them you're like "bleh", if you stay to think about it.

Alternatively you could add a command to set how the textures are rendered.

For instance, the default textures are 1024x1024, however, the user has the ability to switch the size visually in any resolution he wants as long as it's a even ending (0,2,4,6,8) and under 1024.

Meaning that the user has the choice to see the textures rendered at 1024x1024 and at the same time the ability to make the textures rendered on a lower quality 16x16, or whatnot, 0x0 (A block will have a single color)

And use a command as /TS (Texture size) [even number] (Example: /ts 16 will change textures to 16x16)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 02:08:39 PM by LeetZero »

Checked this out, pretty good game considering its in the early stage of development.

Had trouble building though, I'll just have to learn, I guess.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 02:14:23 PM by star9578 »

Currently, we think it is useful to easily distinguish between normal blocks (react to gravity, explosions, forces, etc) and static blocks (never move for any reason).  Normal blocks have various metal textures whereas static blocks have non-metal textures. 

Would you trade off being able to tell the types of blocks apart to allow all textures on both styles of blocks then or perhaps do something else to distinguish normal blocks from static blocks?
Well, being able to tell static/non-static blocks apart is a must, but theres bound to be another way to tell them apart, that doesn't limit you in use of textures for one or the other.  Maybe static blocks could have a thin green outline, or something like that?

I just watched the video on jets and I was thinking, "Needs more seats."

Playing this game and it's pretty cool.

One thing I'd like is a crouch ability.

Playing this game and it's pretty cool.

One thing I'd like is a crouch ability.

Right, we need to better address how to place things like jets under blocks that are 1 unit off the ground.

I was thinking a "mouse mode" might be cooler where you shrink yourself down by 90%, everything looks huge, and you can get under blocks to place jets and so forth.  I had actually recorded this idea the other day at...

I'm making a server.
Username: Legodude77
Password: blockland

Another thing you should add is a noclip mode. It's a must for sandbox games.

anyone want to join my server?

Whatever you do, don't imitate minecraft textures. Once you do that all the dopes who play minecraft will flame it non stop.