Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7784894 times)

Just don't wear the stupid shirt. It's just a shirt.
Yeah, I know, but I kind of want it and my parents won't let me. I've tried to tell them it's just a shirt, but they would just say something like 'It's a queer shirt'.

I'm sorry that your parents are homophobic forgets

So here's the conversation, the recording only picked up my voice that I purposely rose for it to hear.
Me: "Mom, why can't I wear the Derpy shirt"
Mom: "It seems queer, you'll get made fun of"
Dad: "Which shirt, the gay one? Why don't you put loving flowers in your hair while your at it?"
Me: "Hurdurhur so funny Dad."
Dad: "I'm not gonna have you come and say you're gay one day, right?"
Me: "This conversation was pointless"
[ Goes in room ]
Dad: "I was joking, but I do want to check out that website and make sure they aren't a bunch of friend child enthusiasts."
[ End of act 1 ]
 :cookieMonster: Isn't my family the best?
Your family is loving handicapped, but your dad DOES have a point. Anyone whose not a brony that sees you wearing a shirt with a pastel colored cartoon pony on it is going to make fun of you every day or possibly beat you up, especially if you're not one of the biggest and toughest kids, but if you are, though, then people won't mess with you.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 09:12:22 PM by LordoftheUnclean »

They're not the type to be bartered with. Their ideals are set and you are unlikely to change them, you live in the situation and have to abide by it. It's a rather normal thing.

The only thing I would say to them is, let him wear the shirt. If he's "just asking to be made fun of", perhaps it will teach him a lesson (and what better way to learn than from experience?). If you're afraid he's going to walk in and say he's gay at some point, that is simply ridiculous. If he was gay you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it anyway (and remember, teenagers have "phases"!).

In the end though, we are not really capable of helping your situation. You know your parents, we don't. In frustrating situations, details are not always covered accurately and so I'm not one to judge them. In the modern world, most of this fun stuff is considered unusual. Some parents are more accepting of such things (and bravo to them), and others are not. Children are meant to find their own ways and a parent should help it along, not force their own.

I would prefer if this drama was kept out of here. Hearing many comments saying "your parents are loving stupid" is neither appealing nor enlightening.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 09:21:13 PM by Blastdown »

Dear Kimon's parents,
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DOG BREED? Also, what the hell is a gigawatt?
By the way, are you serious? It's a t-shirt
Some little kid you called a friend child enthusiast.

Should of placed one small pony there.


I guess my parents saw reason finally. No need for more hate mail

Edit: I use the Cookie Monster emote way too much.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 09:32:02 PM by Kimon »

That's kind of a cool shirt.

Dear family members of the user 'Kimon':

I have recently seen Kimon, your son/daughter/brother/sister/pet ferret, posting on an online "forum", (sort of like Facebook but not at all like it.) to read this post, I clicked on the topic, stopping masturbating to clop fictions (loveual novels of the characters of My Little Pony), I'm sure you're familiar with those, as they must spring up on CanIHazCheezeburger, 9Gag, and Facebook, which we all know you use, Kimon's sister. Now then, to my letter. I say that unless he has stolen money from your wallet before the methheads in your town have, or is using your money to buy it, he should be whatever tee-shirt he wants, regardless of if it is stupid as forget and will induce social isolation. He needs to make his own decisions and make his own mistakes. What will happen when you are still dressing him when you die from an overdose of twinkies and tootsie rolls? Will he just wear nothing? He doesn't have the ass or body for that. I rest my case.

Should of placed one small pony there.

Thought I'd do it, but I couldn't think of it being of any plot significance.

Thought I'd do it, but I couldn't think of it being of any plot significance.
you should've drawn the backside of a pony then  :cookieMonster: