Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 280065 times)

"do you have warp past 2"


the time warp in the top right.
looks like some green or black arrow heads?

the time warp in the top right.
looks like some green or black arrow heads?
oh no its on one

oh no its on one
left i meant, but alright then
do you have wings or RCS blocks and fuel for them?

left i meant, but alright then
do you have wings or RCS blocks and fuel for them?
i have RCS blocks but they shut off

turn them on, otherwise it will take forever to move a highmass craft.
unless the little sliders the the bottom left do nothing when their buttons are pressed.

Do you have Mech Jeb, or MajiirKerbalLib.dll?
if the RCS has no fuel, ignore that.

I made a glider that can fly using 3 ion engines during the day time.
(It's super slow, and kinda hard to keep flying straight... but it works!)

Sorry, I don't have any pictures D=

Made a rover that works with solar stuff.


So after spending awhile putting an asparagus style ship together and making a new rover with the design of the first one in mind on top... I landed it on the Mun :D...


Suck it rocky surface!

I do have a bit of a problem though.
The RCS fuel on top is being used a stage earlier than is should, also, the docking port won't release it.

Kind of improvised the "Mars Curiosity" style landing here and used RCS to stabilize my descent speed after I ran out of slowmedown fuel.

And... out of the rubble...

Now I'm working on the drop pod that will refuel the RCS and Xenon tanks.

At long last I have finally bought this game!

I still haven't landed on any other planets or moons, but I'm in the middle of building a network of communications satellites (which is kind of needed because of the Remote Tech mod) and I'm going to send some un-manned probes to the Mun as soon as it's done.

I still haven't been to the mun yet, I can barely get into orbit.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 10:12:30 PM by Mr Man »
my sides
Didn't kinda that to funny, I've already done that a long time ago. Well lower the mass of my parts and make a fuel take with pretty much unlimited fuel.