Author Topic: DrenDran Rip me off.  (Read 17766 times)

Why are you blowing this completely out of proportion? You can understand him to an extent that you can answer to and not have to insult him blindly just because he doesn't want to attempt to learn. There is a difference between a mistake and just not wanting to learn something, but that isn't the argument.

In fact, this thread should be over, you answered that you'd refund it and now you're just arguing about his grammar.
I'll stay out of it though, and let you handle it. By the way, stop trying to attempt to start a religion war by saying "If god existed"

if you didn't realize, furling is deaf, meaning his grammar is not the best.

if you didn't realize, furling is deaf, meaning his grammar is not the best.
I think I could sympathize for Furling being deaf if he hadn't of outright admitted that he wasn't willing to learn.  I also like how one of the few words he was able to pick up on nicely was "forget"

I can understand when someone has a disability, but when they use their disability as a shield for insults and they aren't even willing to attempt overcoming it, then whatever.  They should be treated no differently at that point.

if you didn't realize, furling is deaf, meaning his grammar is not the best.

As if this hasn't been said 4000 times before.

if you didn't realize, furling is deaf, meaning his grammar is not the best.
Being blind is a valid excuse for not being able to write properly.
Being deaf isn't.

Double toast: And... let this topic die.

I am back, I know DrenDran has not make mod for me. He con me once again...

Did you ever get back to him telling him what you wanted instead of the train tracks?

I know Dren can kind of be an indirect back door but he at least gave you an offer since he said that what you wanted isn't possible (which also raises the question why he even took the money in the first place). He offered to make you something else or refund you, did you ever tell him what you'd do?

Did you ever get back to him telling him what you wanted instead of the train tracks?

I know Dren can kind of be an indirect back door but he at least gave you an offer since he said that what you wanted isn't possible (which also raises the question why he even took the money in the first place). He offered to make you something else or refund you, did you ever tell him what you'd do?
old my account (furling) we agree with that, I asked him If he know how make blb format, He said yes. and I gave him of my model of two. I did reply him few time, he has not answer back to me. I think he avoid me.

I know Dren can kind of be an indirect back door

old my account (furling) we agree with that, I asked him If he know how make blb format, He said yes. and I gave him of my model of two. I did reply him few time, he has not answer back to me. I think he avoid me.
Four things:
1. I took his money when I was working on a simular mod, just to realize later on it wasn't possible.
2. The first set of links you gave me were "invalid".
3. I said I could make some BLB, as in, I made a print brick once. This doesn't mean I'm an expert that can whip out whatever model brick you want instantly. I've never made bricks with custom models or textures before.
4. lol u got banned

Four things:
1. I took his money when I was working on a simular mod, just to realize later on it wasn't possible.
2. The first set of links you gave me were "invalid".
3. I said I could make some BLB, as in, I made a print brick once. This doesn't mean I'm an expert that can whip out whatever model brick you want instantly. I've never made bricks with custom models or textures before.
4. lol u got banned
can you move on?  WE need work this thing out.... come on...

4. lol u got banned
Sorry for the bump but link to banned post?

Sorry for the bump but link to banned post?
It was nudity and gore so bad that it was completly delete.
And yes, I laughed too at the thought of a person like Furling being the person to be banned for it.
can you move on?  WE need work this thing out.... come on...
Your profile says you OFFICALLY QUIT BLOCKLAND in all caps just like that.

It was nudity and gore so bad that it was completly delete.
And yes, I laughed too at the thought of a person like Furling being the person to be banned for it.Your profile says you OFFICALLY QUIT BLOCKLAND in all caps just like that.
i posted a picture of my pubes and all posts containing it were deleted, doesnt have to be nasty to be deleated.

Your profile says you OFFICALLY QUIT BLOCKLAND in all caps just like that.

My style quote, But I am still here  ;)