


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151901 times)

also, it's not going to spread throughout the whole country considering we shot them down near the southern isle <3

Tungstion begins to hand out gas masks to the central and eastern isles, while in the southern isle, gas masks are being handed out rapidly, and evacuations proceeding, along with the research of a vaccine.

lol, no. even if you saw SOMETHING on radar its not like you would've shot them down, after all you WERE at DEFCON 4 <3, both of the missiles exploded.

I don't think Lil Robot understands the science of taking something out that is traveling hundreds of miles per hour at you.

lol, no. even if you saw SOMETHING on radar its not like you would've shot them down, after all you WERE at DEFCON 4 <3, both of the missiles exploded.
you still never specified where you aimed them.

I don't have to
it seems like the only reason you played Earth (anyversionhere) was to start a war.
I was staying quiet on purpose because I didn't join this to start a war, I wanted a legitimate country negotiation-type play.
But everyone else wants to just engage war the moment they join :\

Uh no lol, At Earth 2.0 I got ass-raped for my beliefs. I didn't start that. And in this one there have been many tensions only about 2 of which started by me. I launched those at you because you were being a huge douche towards me.

I have a 100 megaton bomb ready to drop. Irajinian troops equipped with the latest technology and gasmasks have entered Tungstion and are surrounding the new capital (the one that was chosen after Tungstion got nuked the first time)

Novus News Today

War For A Better Tomorrow
The Empire of Novus launches a surprise attack by air over the New Porlaqian capital.  An estimated 2,500,000 trained paratroopers are launched from large transport planes, as well as over 50 tank battalions are launched by parachutes also.  Each soldier is equipped with advanced air filtration masks to block out anything but air.  Over 200 gunships are deployd as well.  Emperor Caesar Koslov says he is "very sorry it has come to this, but this is the only way to stop an unsettling end to mankind as we know it."  The military plans to take the city by force, and to show the world what a menace the leaders of New Porlaq really are.  Any help from outside nations and friends would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 02:04:01 AM by Kiddeh »

I forget: Is Duck allied with Novus?
If not, Duck requests to ally with Novus.


Request accepted.
Help with my attack would be appreciated.

EDIT: Sorry about my nation post.  I accidentally screwed it up.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 03:58:51 AM by Kiddeh »

Request accepted.
Help with my attack would be appreciated.

EDIT: Sorry about my nation post.  I accidentally screwed it up.
I'd be willing to help if others attacked you for attacking New Porlaq. I will help once others attack you. I want to keep peace while I can.

I'd be willing to help if others attacked you for attacking New Porlaq. I will help once others attack you. I want to keep peace while I can.

I can respect that.

i'm hearing war and if one of you guys damage my satellites i will buttforget you.

the disease has finally been cured guys, penicillin does the trick.

I am sending a flag ship into space to see what the forget is going on up there.