Author Topic: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive  (Read 24863 times)

The article marcem posted said it's an updated version of it.
It's still the Source engine.

Um i hop u can trad and caft noo wepon and hats liek in tf2

Anyway this game is gonna be gud

valve isn't going to move from their outdated engine any time soon.
Outdated?  It's anything but outdated.  It's getting constant updates with a whole new lighting system and cloth physics on the way with DotA2.  Don't pull out the stuff excuse with "it can't handle open areas!" because that isn't what it's meant for.  It's meant for smaller, less open maps like in TF2 and CS. 

I'm betting the next game after Dota 2 and CS:GO will be either Day of Defeat 2 or Richochet 2.

forget this stuff, give me HL3 Valve!

guys, it's pretty obvious the next game they'll make is hl3.

Why do people keep saying Half Life 3? It's not a new Half Life entirely, it's just a continuation of Episode Two...

Why do people keep saying Half Life 3? It's not a new Half Life entirely, it's just a continuation of Episode Two...
Episode Three is going to be an hour long game, just watch. lol

That footage... where did he... get that footage...

Episode Three is going to be an hour long game, just watch. lol
And it better have hats, i hate going around without something on my head to protect me from various things such as Headcrabs

I'm going to cut off my own fingers if Valve is trying to copy Call of Duty gameplay/ overall feel.

Outdated?  It's anything but outdated.  It's getting constant updates with a whole new lighting system and cloth physics on the way with DotA2.  Don't pull out the stuff excuse with "it can't handle open areas!" because that isn't what it's meant for.  It's meant for smaller, less open maps like in TF2 and CS. 
the reason source is outdated is because it's only good at said closed areas, which any other engine can do.
it takes forever for source to bake in (static) lighting, it takes forever to compile, the hammer editor still has non-functioning entities and a layout that hasn't changed much in over a decade, etc. the good points for source is: it's easy to mod, and scales easily. both of which unreal engine can do.

Besides its mind blowing graphics for 2004 which are still passable seven years later.

Holy forget 2004 was seven years ago.

the reason source is outdated is because it's only good at said closed areas, which any other engine can do.
it takes forever for source to bake in (static) lighting, it takes forever to compile, the hammer editor still has non-functioning entities and a layout that hasn't changed much in over a decade, etc. the good points for source is: it's easy to mod, and scales easily. both of which unreal engine can do.

Go look at recent games like Portal 2 or Left 4 Dead 2, and you'll see what they mean by "updated."

I hope they at least make it somewhat realistic and fun and not just an arcade game that takes way too much skill to play and has no relevance to the tactical experience or war theme at all.