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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1658660 times)

Boss health is already determined by number of players, but you aren't noticing that on Pecon's server because he effectively disabled it by setting the health modifier (that's the bar you saw) to 0.

Boss health is determined with this algorithm:
Code: [Select]
(miniMembers - bossMembers + 2)^2 * 15 * modifier + playerTypeMaxDamage
So if the modifier is 0, which I believe it is on Pecon's server, the health will be static and remain at the playertype's max damage. Please raise the value of the modifier to at least .5 if you want to see more dynamic boss health.

If you're curious, I believe the actual damage calculations are done in lines 262-300 of OMA.cs.

whats the progress on the totally rewritten version of slayer

whats the progress on the totally rewritten version of slayer
Server: 90%
   - Scripts: 80%
   - GUI: 60%

Rough estimate

If you make that, then great.
Done, installed, afraid to test because I don't want to forget everything up then get people complaining about how they died as the boss from fall damage. If it works, then we can drop all the boss datablocks we have in exchange for "Fast Player" and "Slow Player" (Not to mention whatever custom datablocks we wanted to use (though I'd like to stick to datablocks with 100 HP because of previously mentioned craziness involving this game and the boss datablocks)); The first parameter for setBossHealth is the base health (About what they'd have with very few players) and the second is the amount to add with each player in the minigame.

Do the bosses have some sort of attribute that lessens the damage they take? Because I see the boss healths are listed in being at most only a few thousands, and even that alone would be quick to kill compared to how long it usually takes. Basically what I mean is, do they have some sort of special 'boss armor'?

Do the bosses have some sort of attribute that lessens the damage they take? Because I see the boss healths are listed in being at most only a few thousands, and even that alone would be quick to kill compared to how long it usually takes. Basically what I mean is, do they have some sort of special 'boss armor'?
They seem to have about 10 times the listed health. Greek has made the OMA damage function pretty clear so I have no idea where it comes from. Possibly the same place as the mysterious healing, and the fact that 500 health takes 20 tank shells when 100 only takes one.

Victory! I tracked down the mysterious healing to an event on Celestia's brick that was supposed to heal it whenever it killed anyone. However, it applied to all bosses.

I applied the setMaximumHealth event to Kaje, setting his health to 500, and yet it takes 40 tank shells to kill him still. No idea what's going on here. I'm having other event troubles at the moment so I'm going to bed hoping the magical "make-it-work" fairy fixes everything while I sleep. This is the kind of stuff I type when I'm tired.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 05:11:46 AM by -Jetz- »

Previous Experience:I have had many previous experiences administrating and i kick any asses i find,also i have quite a big blacklist of people that i can help keep away from the server.
Who recommends you?:Lt.jamergaman,jakob,big brother,you have not,sparklybeverage,block builder,spade (A little bit),Cat123,Mad Cat and Oditty.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I kick starfishs (Sometimes ban if they troll& rage),i'm always fair (No i'm going to orb behind the boss and backstab him) and i'm a good individual.
Your Timezone/Region:Sadly i live in the UAE (No i don't come from there) so the time might be different but i'm on time to time.

If you accept my application please do PM me.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 02:35:48 AM by Lamebro1 »

Previous Experience:I have had many previous experiences administrating and i kick any asses i find,also i have quite a big blacklist of people that i can help keep away from the server.
Who recommends you?:Lt.jamergaman,jakob,big brother,you have not,sparklybeverage,block builder,spade (A little bit),Cat123,Mad Cat and Oditty.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I kick starfishs (Sometimes ban if they push me to far),i'm always fair (No i'm going to orb behind the boss and backstab him) and i'm a good individual.
Your Timezone/Region:Sadly i live in the UAE (No i don't come from there) so the time might be different but i'm on time to time.

If you accept my application please do PM me.

If they push you too far? Shouldn't you ban them if they annoy the people off, not troll with you.
Blacklist of people? You're basically gonna ban people from a list of blacklist you have from a server that's not yours but you're an admin on. Good job.

Previous Experience:I have had many previous experiences administrating and i kick any asses i find,also i have quite a big blacklist of people that i can help keep away from the server.
Who recommends you?:Lt.jamergaman,jakob,big brother,you have not,sparklybeverage,block builder,spade (A little bit),Cat123,Mad Cat and Oditty.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I kick starfishs (Sometimes ban if they push me to far),i'm always fair (No i'm going to orb behind the boss and backstab him) and i'm a good individual.
Your Timezone/Region:Sadly i live in the UAE (No i don't come from there) so the time might be different but i'm on time to time.

If you accept my application please do PM me.
If they push you too far? Shouldn't you ban them if they annoy the people off, not troll with you.
Blacklist of people? You're basically gonna ban people from a list of blacklist you have from a server that's not yours but you're an admin on. Good job.
I agree with this very much. I also have to agree with what Lalam's said a while back, you don't ban someone because they "push you too far", you ban them because they're purposely harassing the server/ignoring the major rule of every server (common sense drurrrrr). And the blackslist sounds terrible, I've cleared my banlist multiple times just so people that I've permabanned can have another chance, if you're going to ban someone for being on a blacklist that *we* have no idea on how you got, you could be banning people for calling you a faty nerd poo poo face.

This is my personal opinion and from the sound of your application you sound like the type of person that would end up on the ban list, but of course my opinion is still voided out by pecon's so maybe he could see something I don't.

Previous Experience:I have had many previous experiences administrating and i kick any asses i find,also i have quite a big blacklist of people that i can help keep away from the server.
Who recommends you?:Lt.jamergaman,jakob,big brother,you have not,sparklybeverage,block builder,spade (A little bit),Cat123,Mad Cat and Oditty.

i never directly recommended you, maybe try asking :l

I always find it odd when people don't list specific servers under personal experience on their admin applications. I've only ever been admin on servers where I've been messing around with friends, so technically speaking I can say I've been admin several times before, but that doesn't mean I've properly moderated before.

I added a Minigame > ForceWin event to the point so the boss actually wins rather than a victory-free minigame reset. This has been bugging me for a while.

Also, I tested out Kaje's health change personally and it seemed to work fine, each shot took out somewhere around 20-25% of his health. Dunno what was wrong last night.

Thank you, Make-It-Work fairy!

Also, while I've said it ingame a couple times, and many people may have already noticed, Pent had his spear's radius damage nerfed down to 1. This is because, if I remember correctly, no radius damage = no radius impulse. A direct hit with the spear is still lethal in most cases, and Pent is capable of causing impact damage.

The worst thing ever said has been said. Chat can only get better from here on out:
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 01:14:02 PM by -Jetz- »

I have a boss idea
<Heavy Dragon>
1500 HP
X2 Scale
Playertype Land Dragon
Dragon Breath
Push Broom (Or some thing that pushes)
Guns akimbo

I have a boss idea
<Heavy Dragon>
1500 HP
X2 Scale
Playertype Land Dragon
Dragon Breath
Push Broom (Or some thing that pushes)
Guns akimbo
Everyone would just spam guns akimbo.

So I stopped by yesterday after not having been on for a while, and was very impressed. Lots of new additions and the spawn rooms are looking good.