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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1722984 times)

Application: me getting SUPER ADMIN
Name: IkeTheGeneric
BL_ID: 18600
Previous Experience Administrating: pecon's server
Who recommends you?: pecon7, pecon98 and pecon's mom
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): because i did lots of things in the server and i didnt abuse opwer (or got ban)
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Time Zone.

Application: me getting SUPER ADMIN
Name: IkeTheGeneric
BL_ID: 18600
Previous Experience Administrating: pecon's server
Who recommends you?: pecon7, pecon98 and pecon's mom
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): because i did lots of things in the server and i didnt abuse opwer (or got ban)
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Time Zone.

Application: me getting SUPER ADMIN
Name: IkeTheGeneric
BL_ID: 18600
Previous Experience Administrating: pecon's server i was watching your admins
Who recommends you?: pecon7, pecon98 and pecon's mom
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): because i did lots of things in the server and i didnt abuse opwer (or got ban)I WANT TO BE YOUR ADMINS
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Time Zone.

sory fixed it



Previous Experience Administrating: hankyje's city RP, this is where me and Lugnut became good friends

Who recommends you?: Lugnut

Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I want to administrate the server because I believe it could be administrated better, I've witnessed a few seperate occasions where I believe the admins could have done a better job at what they do, I also don't believe the other players in the server should have a bad time just because an admin is bored, and nobody can tell them otherwise.

If you would like some evidence of what I said above, contact me on steam.

I am very active, very loyal, and I only wish to make sure everyone has a good time

Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time

Name: Sun_Monocle
BL_ID:18947 (I have RTB)
Previous Experience: I have a lot, as i'm admin on many servers such as Foxitron's, Buildalot's, Blocklando's, and LurBree's. Many more have not been noted.
Who recommends you?: Bubbler recommends me, and that's pretty much it.
Why should I accept you?: I believe that I can be a respectful and courteous member of your community and serve to the player's needs, on notification. I'm also always glad to create things to improve the server's performance as a good TDM. The server has a countless amount of good qualities, but there could be some unknown tweaks that would change the eperience for the better completely.
Your Timezone/Region: EST


Name: XdeathrayX
BL_ID: 25268
Previous Experience: Im admin on a lot of servers, 30 approx. Super Admin on about lets say 20. Ive owned a FFA server that got 22 players, and Im very helpful to new people(Rather than calling them noobs and trolling them).
Who recommends you?: I don't know, I'm just applying
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Because this server seems like it could use an extra person to help out the new people, I don't see many admins helping new people when they have questions, but Id be able to help. Also, I'm a great builder and I've had block land for a long time. I
Your Timezone/Region: America


Name: Dr.Shoe
BL_ID:29736 (im such a noob :3)
Recent Expirence: COOLNES's server, Owl's server, WALDO's, Troop9009's server and a few other servers.
Who recommends you?:Bubbler, Fastlex, Owl, Darkness, COOLNES, and Troop9009.
Why should I accept you? Please Elaborate: I have experience administrating success full servers. Such as Owl's Deathcube. I'm not helpful in most situations. Like eventing or scripting. But i can handle a server quite well. Most people have fun with me when i'm an admin. I handle complaints and control then well. I am very active. As a fan of the server itself I'm there almost daily.
Your Timezone/Region: Central Time Zone.
I wish you good day.   :)
Edit:I am also a moderator at nobots server
Edit:M4A1ed also recommends me...


Name: Sir Troll
BL_ID: 32969
I have previous experience on Zacktwonn's Hotel RP and Mr.Undead48's Cartoon RP.
Recommendations: Zacktwonn, Mr.Undead48
You should accept me because I am a skilled builder and am pretty well off with eventing. I am a very fair admin and do not abuse privileges for any reason. I would also be fun to have around and could help monitor the server overnight when no admin's are to be found.
Region/Timezone: Midwest/CST


Previous Experience:Eventing, helping the server And being on most times, Building.
Who recommends you?:Cool Blockhead, Dawn, And some other friends i been for years
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I want to help the server from afks and kick poeple who aren't playing by the rules
Your Timezone/Region:California, U.S.A, North America.


Name: Darkness
BL_ID: 22088
Previous Experience: Owl's Server, Big Brother's Server, YoungRotations' Server
Who recommends you?: Big Brother and YoungRotations
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I feel that this is one for the most fun servers out there, and I'd like to be more involved in it.
Your Timezone/Region: EST (Washington DC)


Jordan Hart
Almost EVERY freebuild i've been to, SenyorPerpyHooves server, Demopan?'s server, lol police's server and Cannon666's server.
SenyorPerpyHooves & Demopan?
You should accept me because I have tons of ideas that will improve the server and keep it fresh, and i am also a decent builder.
Um... British timezone, im not an expert on timezones.


Name: indyjones1251
Previous Experience: Never had an experience on admin
Who recommends you?: My buds on facebook
Why should I accept you? Because i think i should collaborate to help you and the other admins to watch for spammers, and others
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time/North Carolina USA


BL_ID: 31191
Previous Experience: I have been admin in a couple servers in Blockland. In minecraft I am a moderator for a dedicated server, I usually keep the server running in place.
Who recommends me (Myself): Who cares99 Airport RP, Sky-rim Any RP , I get recommended due to the loyalty of not banning people "Ex: HA HA YOU BASTARD YOU SUCK richard NOW GET OUT OF MY GAME"
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Like I said, I don't abuse of banning people and since I been in this game lots of times. I prooved my self to be admin
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time/ Florida USA


Name: sgt. keaton
BL_ID: 32177
Previous Experience: I have been Admin multiple times, on General Rich family RP, RavenStars space free build, and sgt wyatt Jimmy's waffles.
Who Recommends you?: General Rich, RavenStar, and sgt wyatt
Why should I accept you?(Please elaborate): I have excellent building skills, I fallow orders without questions, and I will help make Pecon7's Boss Battles the best server that ever entered Blockland.


Name: Nobelium
BL_ID: 2189
Previous Experience: Crown's server (on a diff account), Count's server (on a diff account), DarkLight's mining server (on a diff account).
Who recommends you?: Bluey643, Flush535 (doesn't host anymore)
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Because I have been administrating for years now and never once have I been complained at for abusing/unfair banning.
Your Timezone/Region: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Name: BrassBoy
BL_ID: 3332
Previous Experience: I've played on this server and have watched the admins.
Who recommends you?: Austin's Freebuild
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I love the sever and wish to become an admin. :cookie:

Previous Experience: i have been admin on cat123 server and its prety crazy and i love you boss battles
Who recommends you?:Boldin81, untamed, blendi
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):im a very good builder i dont abuse and you have a really fun server. iv been on other peoples boss attles but i think yours is still the best
Your Timezone/Region:U.S.A


Name: SkylarTheHedgehog
BL_ID: 9304
Previous Experience: I came here a long time ago and i like it
Who recommends you?: Deoxys and one noob
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I come here ALOT.
Your Timezone/Region: The new yorkian time zone


BL_ID: 32517
Previous Experience: I have administrated a lot of my friend's Blockland servers, and even more friends on their Minecraft servers.
Who recommends you?: All server owners from Blockland and Minecraft
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I like keeping people in line. I am creative. I like keep people in peace and friendly. I dislike bad talking and cheating, hacks etc. I like do people happy, and have fun!
Your Timezone/Region: Transilvania.


Name: Salvâtiôn
BL_ID: 19950
Previous Experience: I am admin on a lot of servers and like to enforce rules.
Who recommends you?: The people that play on the server.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I've been on this server for about 2 weeks now and I love the gameplay, however there have been instances where there were people who were asking for admin after being told that is resulted in a kick. I feel helpless when this happens and I want to show them that what I said was true.


Name: The Crazy Guy
BL_ID: 15052
Experience: Not alot of noteable people or ones i can remember, but i have been admin on other peoples servers
Recommend: Again, no people i remember
Why should i be accepted: I can Deal with arguments logically and wont play favorates to people. i will make decisions on Confermed Facts after hearing both stories. I can also Stay up for 48 hours with little to none rest, i can watch over the server during night.
Timezone: Central (Illinois)


Name - the brighter dark
Servers I'm admin on- psp's, meggey's, rave crofts's, waldos
Psp would recommend me as well as meggey's
Timezone- use central
If my app get accepted I'll be on the server about 30-45 mins out of the 2-3 hours I'm online


Previous Experience::::: Been playing blockland for a while now. I have been admin on multiple servers to keep people happy because that is what I am good at.
Who recommends you?::::: People who play on the servers I have admin on, Bubbler,CloneTrooper
Why should I accept you?::::: I think that you should accept me because I am a guy who loves to have fun and not take games seriously like MLG. Another reason why you should accept me is that i am good at keeping people to the highest mood possibul and to stop fights when they break out. Also I am good at giving suggestions and keeping the game in order.
Your Timezone/Region:::EasternTime/EasternUSA


Previous Experience Administrating:Various Renderman hunt servers keeping in control, and alot of freebuilds.
Who recommends you?: Renderman In A suit,Assasin82x
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate: i'm a Blockland veteran and have been on blockland for around 2 years, i have administrated alot of other servers than my own, during April alone i have been admin atleast 9 times on differant servers. and also i love your Boss battles Server.
Your Timezone/Region:UK Time (application posted at 14:35 and the blockland time was 07:35)


Name: Kochieboy
BL_ID: 3978
Previous Experience Administrating: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch servers; working like a babysitter, watching over the server making sure people don't muck up. Blockland; kind of the same thing, making sure everyone gets along.
Who recommends you?: If this is anything like a job review, then, kobewarrior (because he's the only one that I trust not to make false statements about me).
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I'm quite responsible with a job like administrating. I usually keep a serious work ethic and a mild temper during a job. I'm quite smart and mature (especially if you meet me in person). I'm friendly, but if someone is breaking a rule, I won't hesitate to punish them.
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time. (-5)


Previous Experience Administrating:Kong123's Falling platforms
Who recommends you?:Aspiefox
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I will be good for the server, I will ask to come out mini, I will ask to ban or kick and I will be epic!
Your Timezone/Region:North west of england


Name: Joffrey[-373]
BL_ID: 13767
Previous Experience Administrating: Destructinator's, GLaDOS's
Who recommends you?: Destructinator, YoungRotations, GLaDOS, and many others (Can't list'em all; too many)
Why should I accept you?: Well, first of all, I have NEVER abused the Administrator privileges, ever. (Whew! Had to get that off my chest first)
Second, (And I've said this before) I would like to improve and build upon my Administrator experience so I can continue to grow into a better one.
Your Timezone/Region: Pacific Standard Time


Name: C00LGIRL
BL_ID: 33963
Previous Experience Administrating: I have administrated at my server, Pngu12970's Server, Exphiser919's server and Mr Pngu's Server.
Who recommends you?: Pngu12970, Exphiser919, Mr Pngu and you can also check with Leopards.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I have had plenty of experience on both Minecraft servers and Blockland. I spend most of my time on your server and are willing to help make Pecon7's Boss Battles even better (it's epic already). Anthing (eg. bugs, glitches etc.) I will report as soon as they happen so it can be fixed or stopped. I have been on Blockland for a few months now and know how to make many different formulas with a wrench and can I build some epic things.
Your Timezone/Region: EST (Brisbane, Australia)


Previous Experience Administrating: hankyje's city RP, this is where me and Lugnut became good friends
Who recommends you?: Lugnut
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I want to administrate the server because I believe it could be administrated better, I've witnessed a few seperate occasions where I believe the admins could have done a better job at what they do, I also don't believe the other players in the server should have a bad time just because an admin is bored, and nobody can tell them otherwise.
If you would like some evidence of what I said above, contact me on steam.
I am very active, very loyal, and I only wish to make sure everyone has a good time
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time


Name: TomTom
BL_ID: 3694
Previous Experience: Danny Boys server, Cat123 server, Counts server, Big Brothers server, Okivers
Crowns, Waldos, Winners  My own server, Rustys Server, around 20~30 other minor servers :S
Who recommends you?: ime sure most of the servers listed would be happy to recommend
Why should I accept you?: Have experience administrating large servers, mainly death matches. I am knowledgeable in Toque Script so i am able to make things for the server if needed. Generally very active
Edit: Also know a decent amount of VCE
Your Timezone/Region: GMT


The above just made my day

Application:Me getting admin
Previous Experience Administrating: Aspiefoxes's server Kong123's server Saitekslasher's server (he has different names after this and before this the one i could think of)
Who recommends you?:Aspiefox, mango, Kong123
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I am a good admin. I will obey the rules. I can handle spammers and things. If a admin tells me to do something I will do it. I will be nice. I will. I will try to come on a lot of the time.
Your Timezone/Region: Greater Manchester England

Hopefully I will get accepted!

Application:Me getting admin
Previous Experience Administrating: Aspiefoxes's server Kong123's server Saitekslasher's server (he has different names after this and before this the one i could think of)
Who recommends you?:Aspiefox, mango, Kong123
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):I am a good admin. I will obey the rules. I can handle spammers and things. If a admin tells me to do something I will do it. I will be nice. I will. I will try to come on a lot of the time.
Your Timezone/Region: Greater Manchester England

Hopefully I will get accepted!

I feel like you already applied...

I feel like you already applied...

well i did but i added things

Raise the respawn time

Name: Nobelium
BL_ID: 2189
Previous Experience: Crown's server (on a diff account), Count's server (on a diff account), DarkLight's mining server (on a diff account).
Who recommends you?: Bluey643, Flush535 (doesn't host anymore)
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Because I have been administrating for years now and never once have I been complained at for abusing/unfair banning.
Your Timezone/Region: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
