Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434330 times)

R.I.P. Manly Challenge
2010-2012 :(

R.I.P. Manly Challenge
2010-2012 :(

At least you have your CS_Office for show. That right there is loving impressive.

far from useless

What have maps provided that builds can't?

The Afghanistan build is proof that you don't need terrain or interiors for a Deathmatch.

what's the "core mechanic"? sitting around building cities? terrain isn't only for TDMs. minecraft sucks because it's limited to boring survival. blockland is 100x better because you can do what you want. the "core mechanic" is building, but the heart of the majority doesn't match that (see: the server list). sorry, the dreams of people to turn blocklanders into builders and not fighters doesn't actually match what most people want to do.

Most of the servers on the list are really, really bad. Good riddance.

I'm a bit concerned for vehicles.
Terrain works great for them, bricks do not. At all.

am i the only one that thinks this is a hoax?
the images with the shadows and things are a lot bigger, maybe from a modeling program
but, if it isn't, then woah cool, building everything would be fun

I'm a bit concerned for vehicles.
Terrain works great for them, bricks do not. At all.
So true

I just don't want this to be the one update that ruins Blockland.

am i the only one that thinks this is a hoax?
the images with the shadows and things are a lot bigger, maybe from a modeling program
but, if it isn't, then woah cool, building everything would be fun
nah, i'm pretty skeptical too, but april's a long ways off.

am i the only one that thinks this is a hoax?

It would be the best hoax ever.

the sign on the second picture isn't aligned with the baseplate

am i the only one that thinks this is a hoax?
the images with the shadows and things are a lot bigger, maybe from a modeling program
but, if it isn't, then woah cool, building everything would be fun

I mentioned this to MegaScience on Steam. It reminds me of the time Wedge made those topics about Blockland 2, until they got ridiculous.

I disagree with any decision that sacrifices gameplay for graphics.
I stand by this.  While this'll help the appearance of blockland, it'll completely hinder the gameplay.  You cannot build giant, complex terrain objects without clogging the server with an enormous amount of bricks.  A lot of the community's creativity is not only derived from how things are built, but how they're built around specific environments.  Not to mention the fact that players are able to create their own, individual environments to satisfy individual needs.  Also, many vehicles do not have the physical ability to ride appropriately on bricks.  It seems like you'd be creating an incredible amount of issues for not only the game, but the people playing it, if you made this completely default.

I think the best way to deal with this would allow for each host to have the option to choose between this new version, and the old.  It isn't a step forward to completely rid of a large set of nicely crafted tools, simply because you found a new set made of gold.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 07:33:31 PM by Lalam24 »

the sign on the second picture isn't aligned with the baseplate
He's right! This may just be a hoax!