Author Topic: UTA (Untiered Arms)  (Read 33722 times)

I'd like to see a LMG with this reload style.

Why does shotgun have 0% accuracy?
Range is supposed to be drastically different between each weapon. This pack is not about giving every player versatility to make them supersoldiers - it promotes teamwork. I've shot 12 guage before, and I understand that it's a lot more accurate than what's portrayed here. However, if you want a medium range, I'd recommend the Rifle. It kills a little slower than the Shotgun but it's got more range.
The reason it's said to have 0% accuracy is everything else is compared to the Shotgun for accuracy. Its spread is 0.005, which is the largest out of them all so far - it goes from 0.005 to 0, 0% to 100%, respectively.

sniper is terrible. nobody will use it.
shotgun is op. everybody will use it.
You made a small map. What did you expect? This Sniper isn't some silly easymode quickscope 360 doubleswap claymore fakie type weapon. Each weapon is designed for its own scenario - there's nothing overpowered/underpowered here. Not drastically, at least - I'll admit some tweaking should be done for the pistols and Rifle, but I don't think anything's wrong with the Sniper.

I'd like to see a LMG with this reload style.
I'll do it.

So why does the rifle have 48 bulle-

you know, what?

forget complaining

this is lovey

So why does the rifle have 48 bulle-

Any more than 16 bullets per kill at a rate of 1 kill per 1.1 seconds would make the gun way too fast-firing and way too effective. I may actually bump it down to 30 and do 10 shots per kill to avoid making it too powerful.

looks awful in third person, good in first person

the sniper model looks like a lego toy

i like it, but there's some issues


broken shadows

more triangulation

the top of the shotgun is really flat and weird looking

the range is ridiculous. why can't i hit someone from here with an assault rifle?

better picture showing the range:

« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 11:06:25 AM by Shell »

looks awful in third person, good in first person
That's out of my hands.
the sniper model looks like a lego toy
The idea.

broken shadows
I have no idea how to fix the shadows.

the range is ridiculous. why can't i hit someone from here with an assault rifle?
I'll think about making it a little less unforgiving.

Very nice pack. My only complaint would be the 3rd person. Firing and reloading in 3rd person looks... Odd.. But otherwise its great.

Very nice pack. My only complaint would be the 3rd person. Firing and reloading in 3rd person looks... Odd.. But otherwise its great.
That's out of my hands.

Custom player animations.

With the way it works, it would require for me to completely rework every animation I've already done. If I move the right hand, the gun will move. The gun already moves on its own.

if you are using blender export as triangle strips in order to fix the shadows

if you are already then idk

if you are using blender export as triangle strips in order to fix the shadows

if you are already then idk

roger that

Would be great if you weren't too lazy to fix the animations from making everything look like its completely halfassed.
Just my opinion.

Would be great if you weren't too lazy to fix the animations from making everything look like its completely halfassed.
Just my opinion.
Just think about it for a second.
Move the right arm, you move the whole gun. The magazines also stick to the gun, which sticks to the right hand. Any animations having to do with the insertion of the magazine will require the use of the left hand. It would require a long time of trial and error just to make it look right.

Do you plan on adding any features to the guns, like selective fire modes, and scope-ability for the sniper?