
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 426359 times)

Things newer people should've seen in league
Lux's global ultimate
Cho'Gath eats the world
Pantheon / Twisted Fate ultimates
Twitch (loving hated him.)
Evelynn before rework was broken to forget (back when she had her stun? oh god no please)
Irelia before nerfs
Master yi. Period.
ADC Twisted fate (before sword of the divine nerf)
Code: [Select]
Recipe:  Recurve Bow +  Dagger + 700g = 2170g
Unique passive: Every fourth attack deals 100 extra Magic Damage.
Unique active: Your attacks cannot be dodged and you gain 30 Armor entry for 8 sec. (40 second cooldown)
Nunu before AP ratio nerfs. (Team walks into a bush. *insert nunu laugh here* PENTA KILL!)
Poppy when she was in meta. (Back when the 'a scary carry' build was new. Dear god help us.)
Poppy before nerfs
Tryndamere before ultimate nerfs.
Tryndamere when he could stand in the nexus obelisk and kill every member of your team before spinning away alive.
Udyr + Innervating Locket
Sona + Innervating Locket
Code: [Select]
Unique passive: When you use an ability, you and nearby allies regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown.
Pushing baron nashor into a turret
Pushing baron nashor into a nexus obelisk (which then disabled the nexus obelisk because it couldn't deal enough damage to baron to kill it, and it doesn't switch targets until its original target is dead)
Tryndamere ultimate bug; unlimited duration.
-Imagine this, 100% CDR on both Heal and Flash on a Tryndamere. Don't give me nightmares okay? ;-;
League of legends beta, before the ingame CDR cap
-Luxanna Crownguard. Enough said.
League of Legends beta, before attack speed cap
-Master Yi. Must I say more?
Edit: Oh and
Back when master yi's ultimate stacked with itself. *gets a kill* *Re-activates* *doubles movespeed again* *repeat*
Lee Sin's april fools trailer.

Most importantly:
Announcer: "Humiliation!"
Quote from: Riot Employee
It created a negative environment. There was little difference between her saying "Humiliation" and her bursting out laughing at you. "Executed" makes for a much more mature game.

Yes I'm an oldie. :v
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 07:39:37 AM by Evar678 »

I fall off really hard as adc lulu after about 30 minutes
what should I do or build to prevent this

I fall off really hard as adc lulu after about 30 minutes
what should I do or build to prevent this
Not build Runaan's?

Not build Runaan's?
I refrained from doing so
had boots, triforce, infinity edge, sword of the occult (bad choice, but I was doing really great up until then) and then eventually built a botrk

ik triforce isn't very standard on an adc, but I really need the early sheen

sword of the occult (bad choice, but I was doing really great up until then)
Damn right that was a bad choice.

I like to build lifesteal on Trynda but what item is actually the best to go with?

BT, BotRK or Ravenous Hydra

I like ravenous Hydra the most.

Just bought Vayne, she's really fun
God damnit im so tired of these autolock friends
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 02:43:55 PM by Funnelcakes »

I like ravenous Hydra the most.

Just bought Vayne, she's really fun
God damnit im so tired of these autolock friends
lol vayne's free this week

I love it when the entire enemy team is doing their own thing away from their base and I just sneak past and solo their nexus
that was fun

I like to build lifesteal on Trynda but what item is actually the best to go with?

BT, BotRK or Ravenous Hydra
Not BT

Most importantly:
Announcer: "Humiliation!"
Yes I'm an oldie. :v
this i remember

pls riot

I still call zeke's herald stark's fervor. But that was a recent update.

Patch came out today, bye malady D:

ADC Twisted fate
i thought that this was the only way to play TF when i was levels 1-20 and i mained it, won most of my games because level 6 ad carry ganking mid from lane is loving crazy, never bought sword of the divine though. i still find it to be ok but iunno