If this was minecraft then an SSD would help, for Blocklad I think mostly just the processor clock speed and memory as people have stated. Kalph told me that at his New Years party his CPU core was only used at around 70% or so and it was only 2.4ghz.
75% of that one core, which is about 9.5% for a CPU with 8 cores. The most disk/CPU-intensive part is when the server is starting, so it doesn't make much sense to get an SSD.
I'm sorry, but are you like, stupid? They are not going to spend hundreds of dollars just because someone wants a few second faster start up.
What goes through your head that you have to insult someone when he's wrong or only slightly incorrect?
Not just "someone" but everyone. It will pay off in the short run. You can get a 128 GB SSD for as much as $120, seeing as a single Blockland installation uses less than 300 MB of space 128 GB will be more than enough. It's may be a few seconds but you'll be more than satisfied.
It's not a one-time payment.