
What should we do about the doors?

Stick with admin only JVS
Switch to Legacy Doors

Author Topic: Jasa's CRP  (Read 38370 times)

Criminaly should already get dems for just holding a gun

I'm pretty sure you didn't ''request'' help. You were being rude so they decided to let you rot, then Herecy decided to kill you for the money.
It must suck when you make your own facts.

Kalphiter   admin
Kalphiter   can i be teleported out of here?
Sylvanor   admin has names
TowrkleJerk   lol wtf
Kalphiter   sylv and her
Sylvanor   just ctrl + k
Kalphiter   can i be teleported out of this place?
TowrkleJerk   you got yourself in there
Kalphiter   i have $2000k
Kalphiter   oops
Kalphiter   $2k
TowrkleJerk   haha
TowrkleJerk   loser
Sylvanor   it's the game sorry
Herecy      go back there dou
Herecy      ima get kalps money because he was a richard last night
Kalphiter   i'm trapped in someone's lot
Sylvanor   lmao
Sylvanor   this bt
Sylvanor   where is the 1k lumber
Kalphiter   see?

Kalphiter was banned by sylvanor because he called him a abusive little stuff multiple times. The reason why he was saying that is because he wouldn't wand meggey's build or teleport him. Kalphiter thinks he can do whatever he wants and when he doesn't get what he wants he acts like a cry baby and posts lies about other people. And meggey's lot doesn't break any rules, you where just too stupid to figure out how to leave it.
I just realized I confused Sylvanor with Surburb, but they're both abusive.
I think it's pretty clear at least one of your admins also likes bending the rules to disallow criticism. Sylvanor is an abusive stuff who does things like teleporting to avoid being jailed and muting people who criticize him. Don't point that out, you might get banned by the guy you're reporting!

Now, by acting like a "cry baby", do you actually mean how I bid for fairness? This language of yours is weird.

Criminaly should already get dems for just holding a gun
Wow, a sensible suggestion?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 01:06:08 PM by Kalphiter »

Criminaly should already get dems for just holding a gun
Gun permit based on clean record?

Edit- suggestion: if you buy guns without a permit a box pops up telling you that if you buy this and you use it, you get double dems.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 01:09:31 PM by The Brighter Dark »

I wonder if Kalph would have the same attitude if he didn't host the server, I doubt it. Is there a reason why my income keeps decreasing, it was $30 and now it's $0. Do more bricks = more tax or what?

I wonder if Kalph would have the same attitude if he didn't host the server, I doubt it. Is there a reason why my income keeps decreasing, it was $30 and now it's $0. Do more bricks = more tax or what?
Your income goes down each tick if you dont do your job

Gun permit based on clean record?
Whoah, preventing criminals from being criminals in the future as much as possible? No way!

Gun sellers should be able to break the law by not "checking" for a clean record or by ignoring record status.

Edit- suggestion: if you buy guns without a permit a box pops up telling you that if you buy this and you use it, you get double dems.
It can't be an immediate crime; it has to be investigated. There must be a magical serial number attached with the gun, so that when a cop kills/arrests the criminal and returns the gun to the PD, the PD can investigate by querying the "gun manufacturers" (fictitious) to find the dealer that sold that weapon. Of course the seller only gets in trouble if the gun was sold while the buyer had a record. Knives and similar low-power "weapons" are excluded from this system.

Yeah i muted you...

I never muted you. Learn to play without annoy everyone in the server.

Now, by acting like a "cry baby", do you actually mean how I bid for fairness? This language of yours is weird.
I love it how you didn't show the part of the chat log where you call sylvanor a abusive piece of stuff. Or the parts where you won't shut up about how unfair it is that you can't be teleported or how meggey's build won't be deleted. I can't take screenshots because of the max chat lines.

I wonder if Kalph would have the same attitude if he didn't host the server, I doubt it. Is there a reason why my income keeps decreasing, it was $30 and now it's $0. Do more bricks = more tax or what?
You need to do your job to earn money, doctors heal, cops arrest, ect.

I never muted you.
I just realized I confused Sylvanor with Surburb

I can't take screenshots because of the max chat lines.
They aren't proof anyways.

I wonder if Kalph would have the same attitude if he didn't host the server, I doubt it.
The only other popular "CRP" is Tezuni's, and it doesn't need explaining about why it's bad. This CRP has an active, competent developer, unlike Tezuni's server.

I love it how you didn't show the part of the chat log where you call sylvanor a abusive piece of stuff. Or the parts where you won't shut up about how unfair it is that you can't be teleported or how meggey's build won't be deleted. I can't take screenshots because of the max chat lines.
The part after that chat is on video. Sylvanor wasn't addressed at all in this incident.

I can't fathom why Kalphiter and Lewnaja are allowed on the server, just to argue constantly, and stir up stuff.

Kalphiter, you complain so much that it is impossible to tell if you are telling the truth, or outright lying to get your way.

Lewnaja, you put servers in distress for personal gain, whether its a family RP or jasa's city RP, players enjoy playing there, you know as well as I do that the hosts are either too new or uninformed to protect their own server from certain attacks. Your attitude, when requesting a ban, was simply you replying with "siba, i do what i want".

If I was an admin here, I could defuse the situation to the best of my abilities and tend to each problem that comes up, but for now, I get to sit on the server, playing it legitimately, while admins stand by and do nothing to the constant problems Kalphiter brings up, whether true or not, and Lewnaja is free to roam the server and complain as well.

I find this extra irritating, since it is the first good server I've played in a long time.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 02:04:07 PM by Conservative »

Thanks for reporting this, due to me being at school, i cant join right now. But when i am able, i will talk to lew about his actions. Thanks again, stuff like this really helps.

Honestly don't know why everyone is totally against Kalphiter, he seems like a passionate player with a sense of how to play. Everyone just seems to be constantly walking over the guy.