Author Topic: Blockland Aces: Fires Of Liberation - Mission 3: Sipli Field  (Read 27067 times)

checking this off the list of threads that swat's participation in is stuffting

I fly in low and drop some sick beats missles onto those bitches. I'm soon however covered in anti-air fire. After a short evasion, the anti-air tears off my left wing.

This is a legitimate question to a situation. Waiting on Gojira's or Deox's word.

Keep flying, Swat.

When I finish off the main squad, I see a squad without a leader join with me and my partner. I guess I am a higher rank and they saw me. "Fire-1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You want to join me?" They all confirm with a yes. We get into formation and start taking out random enemy aircraft from all sides. I order two multi-role people in the squad, 3 and 4, to start bombing the SAMs and buildings that can cause a threat. I would rather level the whole place and have no on escape.

[OOC: Is this okay? Also, I was wondering if since it was voided, that all of my actions were voided too.]

"They are bombing our SAMs! Take that commies at all cost!"
"Jam their Radar, all remaining SAMs fire at will!"
I Lock on one of the members of Swat 3's squad, shooting AAAM and shooting bursts of my cannon on him, ripping the right part of the plane off, and crashing on some trees and bushes.

I go after Hotspot, and fire my machine guns, mostly missing because of far range, but one bullet hits a wing.

"Damnit, I am hit! SAMs and Red squadron, Shoot at that Eurofighter!"
-"This is Red 2, engaging enimy fighter."
-"Red Leader, I will cover you, Red 3 out."
--"This is SAM command, we will be shooting at enimy plane now."

Deoxys is surprised by SAM missiles and the machine gun fire of Red 2 and Red 3.

Commies what
"commies" is an unusual word used for "Attacker" or "ofensers" in war.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 12:56:40 PM by Hotspot »

"I'm on him, Wingkicker."
What was once SAM sites is now piles of rubble with bullet holes.
I launch a missile at the other fighter (not hotspot) and completely tear him to shreds when my missile flies up his engine.

Not like the SAMs would fire or anything lol

Quitting 'cause Emmeria's really powergamey

Try and shoot us down then instead of quitting damn
SAMs destroyed voided

Didn't me and my partner shoot down all of your squad? But what ever.

I send two of the squad fighters to attack the one who is shooting at me. They both airbreak, bank and look like they are retreating, but do a flip and get behind him. I do some sweet maneuvers to get his attention while this is all happening.

I find the other fighter on my bank and slow down, let him go in front of me.

Fatal mistake, Stovie.

I then use my machine guns to turn the Stovie's plane into a red fireball.

I then find a F-4 and his wingmate, going behind them and shooting them down.

One of the jets secretly behind Hostpot begins to lock on.

I find the other fighter on my bank and slow down, let him go in front of me.

Fatal mistake, Stovie.

I then use my machine guns to turn the Stovie's plane into a red fireball.

I then find a F-4 and his wingmate, going behind them and shooting them down.

One of the jets secretly behind Hostpot begins to lock on.
Once my Radar makes a 360º turn, Me and my wingmen notices a red dot following us.
"Red 4, Shoot a backfiring missile, destroy the commie, now. And Red 5, Be prepared to engage incase of missile fired or flares deployed."
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 02:26:03 PM by Hotspot »

Dude, I think we killed them both(I think gojira did). Also, I googled a "backfiring missile" and nothing came up but a missile that can carry a nuclear warhead, a big one.

The person who was not locking on starts to lock on, while the person who locked on fired a missile at Hotspot.