Author Topic: iOS Jailbreak/Android Rooting Megathread - Next JB coming @ iOS 7.0  (Read 22678 times)

I'm thinking about jailbreaking but.

From my experience it lowers my battery life, and some friends say it slows down the phone and just forgets it up.

Should I jailbreak?
If you have an older device battery life will go to stuff, if you have a newer device it shouldn't though. As far as the device slowing down, if you install loads of useless crap you never use then yeah it'll slow down but otherwise it really shouldn't effect it very much.

"Restore - Restore to an IPSW, with support for saved blobs and downgrades"
I have no idea what this means.
First option is the same thing as resetting the device iirc, the second one allows you to use IPSWs to downgrade to a lower iOS i'm pretty sure
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 06:27:30 PM by BanishedLetters »

If I were to upgrade to the next iOS version, what would happen?

If you have an older device battery life will go to stuff, if you have a newer device it shouldn't though. As far as the device slowing down, if you install loads of useless crap you never use then yeah it'll slow down but otherwise it really shouldn't effect it very much.
iPhone 5.

Please explain to me how this is legal.

Please explain to me how this is legal.
It isn't forcing you to do anything illegally, therefore it isn't illegal

It isn't forcing you to do anything illegally, therefore it isn't illegal
But stealing money is illegal.

Wtf are you talking about.
Well, I guess it depends on what you're jailbreaking it for.
It can be stealing.

Well, I guess it depends on what you're jailbreaking it for.
It can be stealing.
are you high or what

iPhone 5.
Should work fine without any slowdowns. Just don't be stupid and download tons of stuff

If I were to upgrade to the next iOS version, what would happen?
I upgraded from a jailbroken iPod on iOS 3.x to 4.2.1. Nothing happened except Cydia wasn't there, but all my files stayed.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 07:20:24 PM by BanishedLetters »

Well, I guess it depends on what you're jailbreaking it for.
It can be stealing.
that's the same logic as saying "well i COULD go to the bank, shoot someone and rape their children while stealing a couple thousand" and not doing so but you get arrested regardless

Well, I guess it depends on what you're jailbreaking it for.
It can be stealing.

The process of jailbreaking itself does nothing in terms of stealing, or breaking the law. Hence jailbreaking is completely legal. the illegal part is where people have created apps that allow users to have cracked versions of apps. I don't want anyone talking about that here, becuase, well, they'll get banned. But the point is: jailbreaking is legal. You can look through the wikipedia article, which addresses legality I think.

I'll make another post with the tweaks I'm using. I just changed my setup again last night, but my springboard didn't change. I've just been messing with my lockscreen.

holy forget those errors you get after installing evasi0n

"storage almost full" (i had reset to factory settings yesterday)

all the files were changed to different names, but it's good now

now someone tell me what to download

now someone tell me what to download
tweaks? themes?

for themes i'd recommend glasklart, looks absolutely amazing

i haven't found a good amount of tweaks yet that i really like, besides the usual popular ones like zeppelin and stuff
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 01:57:43 PM by BanishedLetters »

stride is pretty forgetin' cool

tweaks? themes?
mainly tweaks

Thanks! I've downloaded Glasklart now, along with Infinidock, Paperlock, Zeppelin (+ Dubstep Carriers) and f.lux
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 03:08:20 PM by Bahamut »