Author Topic: The Forgettable Dungeon: Early Access Release  (Read 353018 times)

Certain items should deal debuffs to foes when the alt attack is used

That would be neat, this'll at least happen for the potions.

You're going to have to have at least one occurrence of "BARF!" now.

Haha, perhaps as a super rare easter egg.

How many players are going to be allowed on the public test?

Four for the first few tests to see how things are working, then I'm going to open it up to a lot more for stress tests.


Combined the normal camera with a bit of a zelda transition camera to try and combat the bottom wall obscuring things.

I like this a lot more than the heavy handed moving environment approaches I tried earlier.

Do you plan on putting in voice chat?

Do you plan on putting in voice chat?

I'm actually curious, have any of you actually used an in game voice chat over vent/hangouts/mooble/glooble/steam?

Every time I attempted to with my friends it was fraught with peril.

I usually just stick to 3rd party voice chats like Skype.

If you do have an in-built voice chat please have an easy to find/select option to mute your microphone and other/all players.
Most games do but those few that don't are really annoying when you use a 3rd party chat and you end up hearing the chat both through the game and the 3rd party program. 

I'm actually curious, have any of you actually used an in game voice chat over vent/hangouts/mooble/glooble/steam?

Every time I attempted to with my friends it was fraught with peril.
I have (specifically on portal 2 co-op), but I suppose it can be easier to configure something external instead of configuring each individual game.

I'm actually curious, have any of you actually used an in game voice chat over vent/hangouts/mooble/glooble/steam?

Every time I attempted to with my friends it was fraught with peril.

use teamspeek :)

Combined the normal camera with a bit of a zelda transition camera to try and combat the bottom wall obscuring things.
Makes sense and looks slick transitioning
I'm actually curious, have any of you actually used an in game voice chat over vent/hangouts/mooble/glooble/steam?
I use steam voice chat more than I should be if at all, it works fine I guess. I would be fine if there wasn't direct voice chat in game 'cause there's skype and the sort or
use teamspeek :)

Please add native voice chat, I'm tired of having 3 different chat services to use for a game, the game would be way better with built in chat.

Everyone says teamspeak but i prefer mumble or skype, hell even steam chat does a good job.

If you do incorporate voice chat, if you could have like a little interface on the side that shows the top 4 rows of each sprite, and have the option to simply click on them to mute them.
Idk if that would be too much hassle or too much space taken up, but it might be pretty snazzy.

I'm actually curious, have any of you actually used an in game voice chat over vent/hangouts/mooble/glooble/steam?
Every time I attempted to with my friends it was fraught with peril.
TeamSpeak is pretty much all I use for ebin e-sports things, otherwise in-game systems or lethargic Steam group chats do the job.

I'm so happy right now, my parents are letting me, (and will be helping me) build myself a custom gaming PC, so I'll finally be able to play this game!

Honestly voice is so far down on the list right now but thanks for the feedback.

I'm so happy right now, my parents are letting me, (and will be helping me) build myself a custom gaming PC, so I'll finally be able to play this game!

Nice! Hopefully I'll be able to get the game to people sometime this year, in beta form at least.

Small update, I made it so almost all of the wall decorations can take damage.

It's a very slight thing but it's pretty fun to see how broken rooms get after a fight.

Now you'll be able to 100% tell what room

What if 100% rooms are 100% rekt