Author Topic: The Forgettable Dungeon: Early Access Release  (Read 353441 times)

EFC - Easily Forgettable Currency

What was the actual name?

Noone remembers.

I like this one the best.

reminds me of Totally Arbitrary Collectible Objects from Anachronox

This talk about boulders made me think about a boulder boss that rolls around constantly.

I spent most of yesterday unloving my repository but I also started work on the ice level textures.

Still need to find a neat thing to do with the ground tiles but I like the colors and the icicles look good.

I'm assuming the ice levels are gonna be slippery?

Honestly I've always kind of hated that type of thing in games, so unless I can think of an interesting or fun way to implement sliding around probably not.

Perhaps a hidden ice rink would be entertaining by itself though.

Edit: I mean in Spelunky it's not bad, so I dunno. Perhaps if there are just certain tiles that are icy and if I can figure out ways you can use them to attack or something maybe.


Honestly I've always kind of hated that type of thing in games, so unless I can think of an interesting or fun way to implement sliding around probably not.

Perhaps a hidden ice rink would be entertaining by itself though.

Edit: I mean in Spelunky it's not bad, so I dunno. Perhaps if there are just certain tiles that are icy and if I can figure out ways you can use them to attack or something maybe.
maybe you could make it so having a torch or something like that out would melt the ice around you?

Just have ice traps that conveniently slip you into an arrow/spike/boulder/lava trap.

Have ones that are slightly darker that are slippery for traps like that Legodude said.

maybe make the ice tiles kind of glossy?
like make it slightly different, kind of like black ice
could also add a battle pit for all other levels, seems like a fun trap, like a room that looks normal but when you enter it closes all exits and you have to beat all monsters to continue
you could also add something new to different floors
like for ice, the floor is completely icy while fighting

maybe you could make it so having a torch or something like that out would melt the ice around you?

i really like this idea
when the torch or fire isnt out the ice generates back over a few seconds but it melts with the fire/torch out
maybe 1/2 to 1 tile around you

You guys have some interesting ideas, I definitely need to add some unique type of ice interaction to the game.

Rooms that lock once you go inside also seem like they'd be fun, it'd be interesting to see how people react when only half the team gets locked up.

Anyway I made an Indie DB page for The Forgettable Dungeon, if you're into that site check it out.

( Also click the link anyway because apparently it takes very few hits to get in the top 100 )

Just an idea for the ice
there could be like ice skates that you could find in a room somewhere that makes maneuvering on the ice much easier

or maybe the ground is slippery, but you have full control while on it, you also slow down if you stop moving.