Author Topic: Cohort - oink  (Read 93797 times)

Thats Why i Will update it, Custard name too !

I came for the Diggies but I don't no Diggies here.

Do any of you know when Diggy's Metropolis RPG will be opened to the public? Also I have a good idea for the clan - why don't you guys offer one-on-one tutoring sessions? It would benefit the community and potentially give Blockland better builders and hopefully more quality servers. I will just say this, we all learn from the best of the best.

Do any of you know when Diggy's Metropolis RPG will be opened to the public? Also I have a good idea for the clan - why don't you guys offer one-on-one tutoring sessions? It would benefit the community and potentially give Blockland better builders and hopefully more quality servers. I will just say this, we all learn from the best of the best.
  Truthfully I do not get this. The most help I got about building something was that you should try to finish the project. In the past I have learned that others learn from example, this is not a good way. Wedge has some really neat post about how people cheat and steal ideas than one day they come up with better ones than they are stealing and this is where we get good builders. The idea of tutoring lessons would be clan members showing people older things they built and asking them to replicate them like learning penmanship. But I have also learned that if we keep teaching this way no new content is introduced. 

  Really learning how to build is something a person has to do on there own. One must learn how to quickly use the numb pad and super-shift for efficiency rather than getting use to manually placing bricks like most newer members do now in days. They must than master navigating the brick menu to find the large bricks they need. You can also find newer members using a lot of smaller bricks not for detail but for not having an idea of anything bigger of the same size to fit the needed area. The last thing a person must learn is how to finish what they started. You can have good builders who masters the first two but only great builders come out of the ones who master all three.

  Tutoring a person how to build will not work for you are only showing them items to replicate but they will not use the replicated ideas well or find use of them. What you really need to do to teach a new builder is have them master the controls in building. A person could have a great idea but without knowing how to build it they can not. So to really teach the next group of builders they can not be taught how you build, from the best since they are simply copying them. They must learn how to build, so we get more original content.
do you have any ideas that could be implemented in the site?
With this said I suggest Sylvanor adds to the website a section where anyone with an account can upload building techniques of ways to construct the details and the larger parts of a build. This will circulate and introduce new ideas for more original content, Cohort member items are specially marked. A new guide is also put on the website showing off how to control the numb pad giving examples of what each key does like in learning typing. This will make it easier for people to build and so they will build more and quicker. Navigating the brick menu and patience is something we will all have to learn alone. But I really do not see a future in building classes.
with this

  • People get ideas as Wedges thought and we introduce new ideas to others.
  • People learn how to build faster and better making community projects easier.
  • Less stuffty builders as Caribou said.
Any thoughts?
i'd vote for you guys if you entered that should be reason enough right

Thanks for your ideas  Bester Bageler!

Also, Cohort will not participate. This best clan thing is ridiculous and not fair since there is no any pool. Also it looks complicated and I'm sure Cohort members have better things to do than wasting Time in it. Also I seriously think we are one of the best building clan with height (only building, others clans may be better at eventing or modeling), but this is my personal opinion. Also, it's made by spo members, lol what.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 08:25:05 AM by Sylvanor »

Thanks for your ideas caribou!

Also, Cohort will not participate. This best clan thing is ridiculous and not fair since there is no any pool. Also it looks complicated and I'm sure Cohort members have better things to do than wasting Time in it. Also I seriously think we are one of the best building clan with height (only building, others clans may be better at eventing or modeling), but this is my personal opinion. Also, it's made by spo members, lol what.
Thanks. I share your opinion completely. Having a "competition" is stupid, especially when there are so many diverse clans. Cohort is a very good clan (I'm not using the word 'best' here) but we have to agree that Oceanco is better at boats and ARES is better at space stuff. Every clan has its own niche.

And the fact that SPO hosts this just screams "BIAS!!" all over the place...

Why would you compete about having the better clan.. I don't even. We're not a bunch of attention craving athletes. We just build for the sake of it, and the productivity of blockland.

this is hardly even a clan though... sylvanor is basically the only person that does stuff, and sometimes Lordy lord

Thanks for the info?

Even greater reason for us not to participate! :O Good luck in your own competition.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 12:08:11 PM by Sleven »

this is hardly even a clan though... sylvanor is basically the only person that does stuff, and sometimes Lordy lord
Why do I feel like Pass wants to stir stuff up? It's not the first time.
And for your information, we don't have to prove anything. We build whenever we want. Most of us have careers and studies to pursue as well, so we don't have time for building.

this is hardly even a clan though... sylvanor is basically the only person that does stuff, and sometimes Lordy lord
I'm sorry I don't post in gallery all the time, oh great and mighty pass!

Quality over quantity you megalomaniac.

Why do I feel like Pass wants to stir stuff up? It's not the first time.
And for your information, we don't have to prove anything. We build whenever we want. Most of us have careers and studies to pursue as well, so we don't have time for building.
if you don't have time for building, why are you in a building clan?

I'm sorry I don't post in gallery all the time, oh great and mighty pass!

Quality over quantity you megalomaniac.

every time I see a cohort project, I only see like 3 names in the credits. one of them is always sylvanor, and it's always on the top. sylvanor's cohort server always has him in it, alone, building.

itt pass being a little bitch

if you don't have time for building, why are you in a building clan?
Do you sell you bike everytime winter comes, just because you won't be able to ride it for the next six months?