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Author Topic: Backup Plan Development Thread || More Zombies, But Different  (Read 17595 times)

For those curious about the sort of ambient music you'll hear, find attached a sample of one of the loops (:


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is this still using gcat's weapons

is this still using gcat's weapons

At the moment, yes.
I haven't really found any other weapon packs that operate simply, and easily.
All of the others just feel too clunky to me.
I'm open to suggestions, though!

guh, are you kidding, his come in like second place to walter's in terms of "awful"
use h&k or even t+t

h&k is far from the definition of definition of clunky or un-operative. I would seriously recommend the pack purely because of how smooth and satisfying the guns are to use.

I don't like how T+T operates, and H&K doesn't fit the aesthetic I want...

Weapons aren't a big focus at the moment, anyway. They might change later on, but at the moment I'm more veering toward keeping them as is. Gravity Cat's weapons work, and aren't intrusive in their functions.

Hell, so far you spend most of the campaign un-armed, or pretty helpless at best.

It's just a bit of an irk-- I've had too much bad experience with the pack back when I hosted the Bluzone, and the weapon back hasn't been updated since.

The ammo system is completely unreliable, as well.

Although this is just my personal preference, I don't mind the pack, but it doesn't work how I'd like it to.

Gravity Cats does.

I'm not looking for realism, far from it, I'm just looking for something that feels weak, and suits Blockland's default look.
Well, something that has a lot of dynamics, and something players can feel familiar with.

I like the way Gravity Cat's weapons raycast, and the bullet effect is pretty nifty.

aren't intrusive in their functions.
i don't see how making the screen shake like it's an earth quake when firing one round is not intrusive

H&K doesn't fit the aesthetic I want...
which is

i don't see how making the screen shake like it's an earth quake when firing one round is not intrusive

I actually haven't found this with most of the weapons, and it isn't as if that's a hard thing to change.
Come on, I'm not an idiot.

which is

Simplicity, and minimalism.

Don't get me wrong, H&K is a nice pack with some great modelling, but it doesn't work for me. Gravity Cat's default weapon pack suits me just fine.

H&K is huge, and feels mostly like re-skins in some instances. Then I've got Gravity Cat's default weapon pack, which is what it is. It's not very big, there are some nice little features that accompany it like the bandolier and the weapons look nice, and small and don't take up half of the screen.

More screenshots!
Getting a lot more work done than I initially thought...
I might release a short demo soon, too!

Going to be taking a short break from this project, before it melts my brain.
I have a little side project I started up last night, and will work on that for a little while.

I'm aiming to have the gamemode in a playable state by Mid Febuary/March, hopefully...

tell you what, we're trying to have the freshest edition of h&k done soon, so i can talk to those lads and see if they'd let you try em out because, well, i really don't want to be off put from this as much as i am by the weapon pack you choose
they use the similar system of "generic weapon types" as opposed to "50 billion actual guns" which you seem to like, and personally thinking i feel khain's outdone himself in terms of the actual feel of the weapons, so i think you'll like em