Author Topic: High School sucks so far for me  (Read 6316 times)

I don't start school until this monday, but this year doesn't look like it's going to go as smoothly as my freshmen year. I don't have PE this year for some reason; I suppose it is up to me to keep myself in good shape.

dont know what wrestling has to do with marching band but I cant wait for it either
oh lol when marching band is over i can wrestle :)

I don't whine.

You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.

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« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 06:00:46 PM by Badspot »


You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.
Shots fired motherforgeter.


You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.
lmfao get wrecked

My highschool is pretty great. I started Sophomore year this week.

200 students, you basically know everyone.

800+ students in mine :c

But still everyone is really nice in y school (Private boys)

it's only been 2 - 3 days lol
no wonder you think it sucks

There are less than 350 kids in my school, I used to go to a public elementary a few years ago with 2.5k+ students, it was crazy and overcrowded.

I to to a performing arts school for media arts (architecture and 3d design, specifically). everyone at my school is nice because they want to be there because you must attend to get in. about 600 people go and there are too many classes for the amount of faculty we have(which is a great thing). I love my school and I'm on my junior year.

i would rather wait till wrestling
i put on a lot of weight so i'm in like what, two higher weight divisions right now at 160.
plus all the coaches just work the forget out of us without much actual useful technique
and they go extra hard before a match which is handicapped

i top the charts at 1709 students and broken AC

its about to go down
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 09:37:08 PM by Madmitten »


You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.

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little too overkill there, pal


You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.

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top kek


You're an idiot. Every single thread you post in is whining. Grow a pair little bitch.

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and boom goes the ban hammer