Author Topic: 2013/08/28 - Blockland has been greenlit!  (Read 105597 times)

good point

but it's still bad for people with hearing issues
yeah, that's a shame, but that's really a p small amount of people (one that i know of)

and those in the steam crowd would probably be used to it

good point

but it's still bad for people with hearing issues
Therefore, TF2 should not have voice chat.

If all the other games in existence do fine with voice chat that is OPTIONAL WITH mute functions, then why can't blockland have voice chat?

If all the other games in existence do fine with voice chat that is OPTIONAL WITH mute functions, then why can't blockland have voice chat?
because its going to be filled with earrape and micspam friends

Having mic support in Blockland won't be any different from any other game with mic support. If the developers can make it happen, then I'm all for it. I don't want it putting off any more important issues with Blockland, though.

Why is the big discussion about mics?  The devs haven't even mentioned that, to my knowledge.  Shouldn't we be focusing more on the actual impending features that will be coming along with the Greenlight change?

I agree with Pecon though.  If they are adding in-game mic support, I'm down for it, but I wouldn't want it to delay any big gameplay changes.

Why is the big discussion about mics?  The devs haven't even mentioned that, to my knowledge.  Shouldn't we be focusing more on the actual impending features that will be coming along with the Greenlight change?

I agree with Pecon though.  If they are adding in-game mic support, I'm down for it, but I wouldn't want it to delay any big gameplay changes.
i dont see why we can't talk about it now

it's obviously something people want. it's just a matter of whether they can be bothered implementing it

I didn't mean to say we can't talk about it.  It is a big discussion we need to have.  But what I'm saying is aren't there more pressing matters to be discussed with all these greenlight changes?

I didn't mean to say we can't talk about it.  It is a big discussion we need to have.  But what I'm saying is aren't there more pressing matters to be discussed with all these greenlight changes?
list some

list some

Steam Workshop
Trading Cards
Overall integration with Steam
Increased amount of players

Steam Workshop
Trading Cards
Overall integration with Steam
Increased amount of players
Why does your list start with the least possible useful things?

Why does your list start with the least possible useful things?

Because it is things the devs have actually mentioned?  My point is that the Badspot and Rotondo have actually mentioned things that are likely to be coming soon, and yet the entire conversation in this thread is about in game mic support.