Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447959 times)

The Madcap Minecart game I made for Flappyjam sort of did something like that, but very, very simple.  It's an endless, high score type game, and when you finally wipe out you get a different message depending on how many points you got.
  • Fewer than 30: "FAILURE"
  • 30-99: "NOT BAD!"
  • 100-249: "GOOD RUN!"
  • 250-999: "MAD SKILLS!"
  • 1000 or more: "GREAT! NOW GO OUTSIDE"
Well thats just arcade. Im talking about an in-depth story.

Well thats just arcade. Im talking about an in-depth story.

I understand, but I thought I'd bring it up nonetheless.

A game that bases its ending on how far you made it without "losing" would be pretty interesting.

Like if you lose midway, you will get the medium good ending and if you get it all trough you get the good ending.

Clock Tower? Though, that's probably not the best example, because there's no endings through most of the game. There's two endings at the beginning and the other 7 are at the end...

I dunno.

Messing around with a game engine I made that runs lua scripts.

This is going well.

What kind of font are you using in Visual Studio O-o

What kind of font are you using in Visual Studio O-o
I don't even know, I changed it to this a while ago and I'm just used to it now :L

Nitrome doin a game jam :O
fraid that it was only five days long though, ended on the 6th.

fraid that it was only five days long though, ended on the 6th.

Well crap.  If I'd known about it right away, I would have made a game for it.  And set it to a single really, horribly downsampled music track to complete the Nitrome feel.

I would have made a game for it if 1. I wasn't lazy and 2. GM:S Standard would let me export to HTML5

fraid that it was only five days long though, ended on the 6th.

Aw poop, didn't read the date... BUMMED

so i just got unreal engine 4 a few hours ago
dunno where to post this
i made a solitary confinement thing with only default assets (i know its crap)
gib constructive criticism

the tv looks ugly
ik there was no other way except put a shape into a windowframe