Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447586 times)

Prototype playtests have come back green. The only potential problem is that I have been barred from using Unreal 4; I have to use Unity which I'm not confident with and lacks a lot of the cool features I wanted to make use of.

That said, I plan on doing everything I do in Unity this term in Unreal 4 as well so I can compare which is easier, which means I'll have a base for the public release version.
Why don't they let you use UE4?

Why don't they let you use UE4?
The jist of it is that my teacher has a lot of experience in Unity, and so he believes it'll be easier for the school to support me if I use Unity. Furthermore, almost all of the Australian industry is using Unity so it would look better on my resume if I go for a job here.

The jist of it is that my teacher has a lot of experience in Unity, and so he believes it'll be easier for the school to support me if I use Unity. Furthermore, almost all of the Australian industry is using Unity so it would look better on my resume if I go for a job here.

wasnt unity poopie tho?

wasnt unity poopie tho?
The games on unity are stuff, the engine is great.

wasnt unity poopie tho?
Unity is a great engine. Problem is I'm not experienced enough with it to make it do what I want. I also really like a lot of the features Unreal Engine 4 has that Unity doesn't have (such as better performance profiling tools, the Material Editor and Matinee).

Unity is a great engine. Problem is I'm not experienced enough with it to make it do what I want. I also really like a lot of the features Unreal Engine 4 has that Unity doesn't have (such as better performance profiling tools, the Material Editor and Matinee).
This is true, but that doesn't mean it can't. You can code basically any plugin with C# - the issue is knowing how. For example, I got MIDI input working in Unity. But yeah, I do wish Unity had a few more neat DEFAULT tools.

This is true, but that doesn't mean it can't. You can code basically any plugin with C# - the issue is knowing how. For example, I got MIDI input working in Unity. But yeah, I do wish Unity had a few more neat DEFAULT tools.
Yeah, already aware of plugins like UScript (Blueprint/Kismet-style visual scripting) and Rain (AI); just a bit annoying since I'm cheap and I'm not that good a programmer.

I actually haven't looked into Audio in Unity, but I sure as hell hope it's got the basic tools for me to be able to replicate the Halo 2 audio setup (multi-layered audio, randomisation and modulation, fading, loops and alternate loops, ins, outs and loop transitions, detail sounds etc).

The other thing that really bugs is me is options. I want my games to have a standard options menu that covers stuff like resolution, v-sync, graphical effects, different audio settings etc as any normal game should have. Maybe it's because most devs don't look into it, but it seems like most Unity games rely on the stupid launcher at the beginning.

The other thing that really bugs is me is options. I want my games to have a standard options menu that covers stuff like resolution, v-sync, graphical effects, different audio settings etc as any normal game should have. Maybe it's because most devs don't look into it, but it seems like most Unity games rely on the stupid launcher at the beginning.
The launcher can be disabled and pretty much anything can be made an option inside the game.

The launcher can be disabled and pretty much anything can be made an option inside the game.
Thank god for that. I'm already aware of how to improve the default physics settings so it feels less "Floaty"...although I doubt I'll be using physics for this game.

Hey, if you've got questions about Unity, feel free to hit me up on Steam or something. Idk if you're in moly friends list or not, so here's my Steam:

Good luck with your project. :)

I have no idea what I'm doing and it's fun.

thats super cool.
what program did you use

Game Maker

I use version 7.0 because I'm stuck in the past and refuse to use any FILTHY newer version.

Game Maker

I use version 7.0 because I'm stuck in the past and refuse to use any FILTHY newer version.
wtf i used version 7 like almost a decade ago get with the times grandpa...