Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447372 times)

« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 07:13:24 PM by Bushido »

can you hit it with the frying pan

the frying pan has a 70% chance to hit before buffs and debuffs and deals Pan damage, which can exploit certain enemys vulnerabilities but is resisted by others

What if you tried to persuade it to be friends via food?

Btw as always your art style is fantastic

Apply the GRASS into the PIPE and LIGHT it, then GIVE it to him.

Unless this isn't a point and click shenanigan.

outstanding as Always, Bushy Boy/.

i've been workin on somethin for the past several days and it doesn't look like much but i have gone through the Hecklands and back getting this artificial Z axis stuff working right and not clipping randomly through level geometry

it works pretty well now, tho there are still problems where you can accidentally jump into collision areas, so i've just implemented the classic solution of poofing you to your last good location for now until i get some insight into that issue. still gotta add slopes and probably think about fleshing out the Z axis collision a bit more but it's workin pretty alright so far (shoutout to plastiware for puttin me in the right direction)

My dad released his game called Batty Mcbatface last night on Google Play Store:

Keep in mind that this is his first game and that he is still learning programming. Also, that this game may be marketed more towards children.

Since you guys are developers here, I know you guys should understand how it is as a developer, so when leaving a review please be considerate!

like half that axe resolution is plenty

still imagining a metal gear sting when it pokes out of the bottom of the screen

hope i'm not gona end up posting too often but i fixed the clipping and added slopes wew