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Author Topic: Ravencroft's 2v2 Basketball Tournament (The Horses are your July 2014 champs!)  (Read 79883 times)

I want to be in but i wont have a glorious teammate

Betel and You doesn't want to change their team name so they chose not to join the tournament, this conversation about them is now over. Let's move on in the topic and finish getting the rest of the teams.

Betel and You doesn't want to change their team name so they chose not to join the tournament again, this conversation about them is now over. Let's move on in the topic and finish getting the rest of the teams.
I refuse to play as well.

I'm going to free up the name but if anything happens or if myself or the server gets involved in their stupid stuff, that's the end of that.

Betel or You, fill out your app again if you wish to still participate.

I'm going to free up the name but if anything happens or if myself or the server gets involved in their stupid stuff, that's the end of that.

Betel or You, fill out your app again if you wish to still participate.
Thank you. Also, just use the recent application I filled out yesterday.

Thank you. Also, just use the recent application I filled out yesterday.
You're welcome betel.

In Game Name: Betelgeuse
BLID: 47392
Teammate(s) and their BLIDs: You 29056
Team Name: Nigerian Cunts
Team Color: Green and White
Basketball Experience: won a tournament once
Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: yes
Do you understand the rules?: no
Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: no
What days and times are you available for your matches?: depends on betel (work n stuff)

In Game Name: Ardenlo7
BLID: 27013
Teammate(s) and their BLIDs: Redconer (33688) Ardenlo7 (27013)
Team Name: Shot BangerZ
Team Color: Black and Gray
Basketball Experience: Been in 4 tournaments
Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: Yes, I have read through the ENTIRE topic thoroughly.
Do you understand the rules?: Yes, I have read the rules and clearly understand them.
Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: Yes we will
What days and times are you available for your matches? Anyday, Friday's I get back home at 6:00 to 6:15. I could only play til 9:00 PM EASTERN Unless it is on Friday or Saturday, so the games must start at 8:00 PM EASTERN or earlier unless on Saturday or Friday.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 06:39:43 PM by ardenlo7 »

In Game Name: Ardenlo7
BLID: 27013
Teammate(s) and their BLIDs: Redconer (33688) Ardenlo7 (27013)
Team Name: Shot BangerZ
Team Color: Black and Gray
Basketball Experience: Been in 4 tournaments
Did you read the entire topic thoroughly?: Yes, I have read through the ENTIRE topic thoroughly.
Do you understand the rules?: Yes, I have read the rules and clearly understand them.
Will you and your teammate(s) be dedicated to the tourney and promise show up to your games?: Yes we will
What days and times are you available for your matches? Anyday, Friday's I get back home at 6:00 to 6:15. I could only play til 9:00 PM EASTERN Unless it is on Friday or Saturday, so the games must start at 8:00 PM EASTERN or earlier unless on Saturday or Friday.
Accepted. There are 3 team slots left!

Damn Redconer's still at it. You better make em' practice this time Ardenlo.

Damn Redconer's still at it. You better make em' practice this time Ardenlo.
You guys have no IDEA. He's been improving so much. I remember how much he sucked and he really improved. Im looking forward to helping him out. Not saying Im the best player, but I know I could make him good.. He seems like he has the potential.. anyways. We have plans.. just hopefully we don't vs The Reefers, Robot Records, or Nigerian Cunts the first round, cause we need a warm-up round; you know scrub on someone to get some hype going.

Just don't scrub on us <3

There are still 3 slots left, make an application before it's all filled up!