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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224818 times)

For some reason its not on the addon list i put it in the addon folder its there but not on the list in game
Did you make sure you restarted Blockland first? If it shows up in the Gamemode list it should also show up in the add-on list.

Did you make sure you restarted Blockland first? If it shows up in the Gamemode list it should also show up in the add-on list.

Yes i did restart it and its still not there i can show u a picture if u have steam

Post here using imgur, probably post a console log too (its where you attach before you hit post)

Post here using imgur, probably post a console log too (its where you attach before you hit post)

Heres a picture of where slayer gamemode should be

We would like to see the console.log file from your Blockland folder as well.

We would like to see the console.log file from your Blockland folder as well.

umm how do i get o the console log

Post here using imgur, probably post a console log too (its where you attach before you hit post)

Where exactly would i find the console log?

Post here using imgur, probably post a console log too (its where you attach before you hit post)

Here's the console log i found out how to do it

The version you downloaded is missing it's description.txt file, which made Blockland ignore it. Redownload the latest version from the first page here.

The problem is that the file is named "Gamemode_Slayer (10)". Rename it to "Gamemode_Slayer".

The problem is that the file is named "Gamemode_Slayer (10)". Rename it to "Gamemode_Slayer".
I didn't notice that at first, but I also thought that it gives a specific error about the filename containing parentheses. Does that mean that he has actually both issues? Or maybe the error checks got out of order at some point.

I didn't notice that at first, but I also thought that it gives a specific error about the filename containing parentheses. Does that mean that he has actually both issues? Or maybe the error checks got out of order at some point.

It works now thx for all your help :D

The problem is that the file is named "Gamemode_Slayer (10)". Rename it to "Gamemode_Slayer".

Thanks :D

The game keeps crashing when I try to edit the names for minigame teams.

Code: [Select]
Qat: "Sir!!"
Planr: looks like the ventral pipes are suffering a leakj
Qat: "Behind you!!"
AUTHCHECK: Planr = LAN client -> internet server, auth with server ip
Auth Continue Successfull: Planr
Qat: "We have to secure this deck!"
Qat: *Tries to punch him, but gets knocked down by his abnormal strength.*
Qat: (This is funny and awesome)

Add-Ons/Gamemode_Slayer/server/core/Slayer_MiniGameSO.cs (1913): Unable to find object: '-1' attempting to call function 'canEdit'
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSlayer_SendPlayerList

Add-Ons/Gamemode_Slayer/server/core/Slayer_MiniGameSO.cs (1913): Unable to find object: '-1' attempting to call function 'canEdit'
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSlayer_SendPlayerList

Add-Ons/Gamemode_Slayer/server/core/Slayer_MiniGameSO.cs (1913): Unable to find object: '-1' attempting to call function 'canEdit'
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSlayer_SendPlayerList

Add-Ons/Gamemode_Slayer/server/core/Slayer_MiniGameSO.cs (1913): Unable to find object: '-1' attempting to call function 'canEdit'
BackTrace: ->serverCmdSlayer_SendPlayerList

AUTHCHECK: Qat = internet client -> internet server, regular auth

Please post the entire console log. That portion isn't really helpful and doesn't seem to show Slayer crashing your game.