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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224772 times)

Soccer balls aren't working while in a CTF Slayer minigame.
Don't ask why I need it. I'm making the dumbest soccer CTF ever.
(They act like they were picked up when set as a bricks item, and when spawnItem'd they don't do anything.)

I'm using an older version of slayer (3.9.4), but hopefully (maybe?) someone can help me out with this.

I have a save where I already had slayer spawns and other slayer entities. However, now that I've added a few more, the server lags out whenever I load it. With trace(1), I found this at the very end:
Code: [Select]
Entering fxDTSBrick::setSlayerBrick(17455, 1)
   Entering Slayer_PathHandlerSG::addNode(8536, 17455)
      Entering Slayer_PathHandlerSG::findLinks(8536, 17455, 1)
         Entering Slayer_PathHandlerSG::checkPathClear(8536, -308.5 208 69.1, 11543)

Anyone know why it would lag out at this point?
Using slayer 4.0 fixed it. Never mind.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 02:08:07 PM by --LegoPepper-- »

is it possible if there could be a gamemode similar to "Assault" on halo: reach (i haven't actually played that gamemode so i'm just wildly guessing from descriptions lol) or unless this is basically already added or something

Basically, your team (whatever color, red or blue, but red is usually "attackers" and blue is usually "defenders" but this can be changed) has to go pick up a bomb and plant it in the enemy team's base, and defend it until it blows up or the time runs out. The bomb can be replaced with any item (like a computer to "hack" the enemy's database and then run like hell) and the timer can be changed, too. Like, 1 minute to 10 minutes (yay long defense times). The enemy can pick up YOUR bomb and then go and deploy it at YOUR base (unless the game is specifically set to only one team that can pick up the bombs). They can also basically "throw it away" (aka not have it in your base and a decent distance away so no damage actually happens). You have infinite lives (this can be changed) and you usually start off with default loadouts but you can find more weapons in the map.

i dunno, i'd actually like to see this happen in blockland, if it can
sees search and destroy oh ok whoops
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 06:44:15 PM by Blue Screen »

loadouts aren't working for me, teams just spawn with skis
help me

when in regular team deathmatch gamemode and it has shuffle teams on with new team every time, resetting minigame does not shuffle. don't know if this was intentional or not

loadouts aren't working for me, teams just spawn with skis
help me

Not sure what you mean. Give me more details. Could you post a console log (and pictures if relevant)?

when in regular team deathmatch gamemode and it has shuffle teams on with new team every time, resetting minigame does not shuffle. don't know if this was intentional or not

Please post your minigame configuration. Save it to a favorite using the numbers at the top and then find the file in config/client/Slayer/config_saved/.

ok so this is weird
(also sorry for 2-3 day bump)
the slayer loading thing just stops like almost there to the end and stuff
i hit retry and the same thing happens
send help
(also i got this slayer off of blockland glass, not the forums)
it says 'receiving preferences' and stuff and it disappears after like 0.5 milleseconds and then its just one big grey bar that's almost done
yeah, i need help for the dm i'm making. (sorry for cross-thread-posting or whatever it is)

Please post your console log.

Please post your console log.
i'm sorry, new at the whole 'post your console log' thing

i'm sorry, new at the whole 'post your console log' thing
It's the 'console.log' file found in your main Blockland folder.

Please post your console log.
It's the 'console.log' file found in your main Blockland folder.
well, i found something that just said 'console' so i'm guessing its that
sorry if it isn't
(basically i pressed the start (windo--
OH okay
(so that pastebin was for nothing whoops)

thanks, heres the console.log below

Soccer balls now work for me.
Dunno why.

Is there a mapcycle for this like the old mapcycle (meaning changing minigame preferences)? Because that one's for old Slayer and I can't get it to work with this version so I assume it's borked real good.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 07:50:05 PM by SuperSuit12 »

Team spawns don't work at all.

I set them to the exact same color as the team color, but the team does not spawn on them.

Please fix this.