Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7673 times)

Of course, I also skip/skimp breakfast on a regular basis.

I used to do this too.
But since I don't eat lunch at school, I usually eat a Pop-Tart or something.

I gotta wonder...

How many of you guys actually eat basically no junk/snack food and have good servings of fruits and vegetables and don't live off of microwaveable goods?

I try to do that.

Didn't go too well with me. Gave into a can of coke two days after I started.  :cookieMonster:

The real question is, what has changed between 1985 and today to cause this?

basically no junk/snack food


and have good servings of fruits

ha ha

and vegetables


and don't live off of microwaveable goods?


oh wait I eat instant ramen a lot
and rice and eggs (or pork sometimes but usually eggs)

The real question is, what has changed between 1985 and today to cause this?
1) Acceptance of fast food in our lives.
2) Acceptance of junk food in our lives.
3) "Food is food." *nom nom on potato chips*

The real question is, what has changed between 1985 and today to cause this?

If I had to guess... I'm not sure any of these are right, but they sound reasonable enough to me.
Greater availability of food
Less time at home to cook
Cheap to eat out
Healthier options are, I think, more expensive, so someone who doesn't have a lot of money would have to buy less healthy options.
I would mention something about factors that make you eat more, but I forgot. I just remember some experiment where some of the chip containers had colored chips, and the ones who had them ate less because they had a rough way to measure how much they ate.
Having a less active lifestyle (or eating too much for your activity level)

If I had to guess... I'm not sure any of these are right, but they sound reasonable enough to me.
Greater availability of food
Less time at home to cook
Cheap to eat out
Healthier options are, I think, more expensive, so someone who doesn't have a lot of money would have to buy less healthy options.
I would mention something about factors that make you eat more, but I forgot. I just remember some experiment where some of the chip containers had colored chips, and the ones who had them ate less because they had a rough way to measure how much they ate.
Having a less active lifestyle (or eating too much for your activity level)
These are all true, but the biggest reason is an incredible increase in convenience and an incredible decrease in people caring about their bodies. At this rate we really will end up like those people in WALL-E.

These are all true, but the biggest reason is an incredible increase in convenience and an incredible decrease in people caring about their bodies. At this rate we really will end up like those people in WALL-E.

>the fact that wall-e takes place in the future
>humanity can't thrive on earth anymore from all the junk and stuff
>people are fat

wall-e is the future people

How many of you guys actually eat basically no junk
Just about, it would be even less if I didn't live in a house that was constantly filled with junk

snack food
A snack to me is whatever fresh fruit or veg we have in the house

have good servings of fruits and vegetables
I work in the produce department of a grocery store, so I can easily watch out for sales and pick up good things. Like 3/4 of the break foods will be majority, if not entirely, fresh fruit. And I try to make a good serving of veg with every meal

don't live off of microwaveable goods?
In the last two months I think I've bought like two bags of frozen chicken nuggets and that's the all I've got in a while

I even do just about all the cooking in my house; if I don't, my mom almost always makes something either unhealthy or flavorless/badly cooked
Grocery shopping too (I choose the stuff, my mom still pays) and

Slightly relevant: Does anyone know anyone who like....eats total crap, but tunnel visions on ONE very specific thing that they don't eat because it's "unhealthy" (and often isn't actually unhealthy)? Like my mom's bf pretty much eats like a stereotypical American with no understanding of what's healthy (he drinks various brand of HFCS sweeted, artificially flavored/colored fruit drinks, and thinks they're healthy becuse "it's juice"), but recently he decided to not eat corn because "it's bad for you because you can't digest it" Or the people who avoid gluten with no medical reason to, because they think it'll help them lose weight, when the rest of their diet is crap
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 10:43:04 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

McDonalds isn't even that good except for their fries.
the nuggets make me nauseous and feel like crap and the burgers are pretty generic

don't you think the CDC should take to this as a hazard, since obesity is a disease?

Of course, I also skip/skimp breakfast on a regular basis.
This actually doesn't really assist weight loss at all and hinders it more.

Not all diseases are contagious. A disease is defined as "A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, plant, etc... that is not the direct result of physical injury."

Obesity still isn't a disease, but I thought I'd clarify that for you so you don't spread around that definition in the future.
Obesity is not a loving disease, it's people who have no self control. forget I hate fat people so much "muh weight is a disease, I cannot help it, now why won't you let me bring my mcdonalds into the movie theatre."
It's not a disease. Diseases are contagious. Obesity is  just a really bad medical condition. However, I do agree that something should be done to prevent it.
obesity is not a disease
i hate it when people say this
According to Wikipedia, it is.
Though that's no reason to not hate fat people lol