Author Topic: Blockland, and why we can't have nice things.  (Read 15182 times)

or carrots
can't release carrots, no sir
well i mean you could if that's what you want if that's your life decision i mean i can't stop you if that's the case

i'd say another reason for a lack of new content is that infants can't take criticisms
it's a minor but still contributing factor
people really need to grow up when they release things

 I know Jetz has much un-released "Content", Such as his Auto-Cannon (It was on Pecon7's Boss Battles) and i would love to see that released.

I remember Furdle's Snowsport RP having this really neat add-on for making smooth cables between bricks, it seemed really cool and useful. It's too bad it hasn't been released to my knowledge, though.
It's really easy to do using static shapes and some math. I tried doing it myself, and it's almost complete (no, I don't plan on keeping it as "private" once it's finished - I've made a lot of mods recently and will be making a topic tomorrow)

i don't know why you should be hounding other players for their private add-ons.

i mean, yeah, a couple private add-ons released would be nice because they do cool stuff but i mean.. they're not entitled to give it to you, are they? so why should it be expected? and lots of private mods are very narrow in what they do with very specific aims that only work certain specific ways, and if they were set to be released public, not a lot of them would even exist because of the add-on creators having to make them handicap-proof?

i don't know why you should be hounding other players for their private add-ons.

i mean, yeah, a couple private add-ons released would be nice because they do cool stuff but i mean.. they're not entitled to give it to you, are they? so why should it be expected? and lots of private mods are very narrow in what they do with very specific aims that only work certain specific ways, and if they were set to be released public, not a lot of them would even exist because of the add-on creators having to make them handicap-proof?
because these "private addons" are fully-functional addons made to the upmost accessible extent so whoever is hosting it can easily do whatever the forget they want
the only reason it's private is because they want to be a special snowflake and wont release it so nobody else can have the same things they do, not even that nothing is 'handicap proof' or that it's just for specific elements
sure that might be for some of them, but seriously. so many custom bricks. that's... what? custom bricks. gun packs. etc.

The only reason I can see private add-ons existing privately is if they're functional, but unstable.
If they're known to cause problems, it's best to keep privately testing them until they're stable.

You have crpg, work your magic...

The only reason I can see private add-ons existing privately is if they're functional, but unstable.
If they're known to cause problems, it's best to keep privately testing them until they're stable.
Yeah, but then you should be releasing beta builds to get other people's thoughts and reports on the add-on. I mostly only make weapons so it's exactly the same as a beta version of a script, but I do this anyway for other people's reports regarding conflicts and balancing.

Yeah, but then you should be releasing beta builds to get other people's thoughts and reports on the add-on. I mostly only make weapons so it's not exactly the same as a beta version of a script, but I do this anyway for other people's reports regarding conflicts and balancing.
i really need sleep

Problem is that when you release a popular server mod then you get a bunch of the same server.
Many servers require a bigger playerbase to be fun and having a ton of servers hosting the same thing without any players isn't very fun at all.