Author Topic: Blockland, and why we can't have nice things.  (Read 15183 times)

Problem is that when you release a popular server mod then you get a bunch of the same server.
Many servers require a bigger playerbase to be fun and having a ton of servers hosting the same thing without any players isn't very fun at all.
I can pretty much guarantee that almost none of those clone servers will have any players to it compared to the original to begin with.

I can pretty much guarantee that almost none of those clone servers will have any players to it compared to the original to begin with.
Then what was the point of releasing the mod at that time lol

Then what was the point of releasing the mod at that time lol
Giving people something to use. It's the same reason I like to have private servers for friends and I: It's an entirely different experience playing something however you want with a handful of pals than under someone else with a bunch of random folks.
Not to mention that there will almost always be at least one server that pulls it off better than the original.

I would like to release my mods, but as I explained in my thread, I can't just dump them all because I have more mods than I can even count. There are some I can't release (RSM and Better Aerodynamics), some I won't release (Eval and Script_Spam), and some I can't remember. I would post examples, but then I would be remembering them.

So if you have a favorite gamemode that I used to host, please, ask for it here.
If you're not sure if it was me or not, please, ask me here.

The worst that can happen is that I'll say "no, that was someone else's".

You have crpg, work your magic...

pleaaase, I really want to see crpg to it's full potential  :)


RSM is unstable, unfinished, unpolished, and difficult to debug if something goes wrong.

It fails literally every metric for releasability there is.

I did it finally:

Nothing too fancy but there should be some interesting stuff.

i have decided to release some of my bricks
I did it finally:

Nothing too fancy but there should be some interesting stuff.

more people should do this
makes you awesome in my book

more people should do this
makes you awesome in my book
heey I released something today too:

heey I released something today too:
looks like i found my testing site for titanfall eqipment

* Tudoreleu sighs
guilty as charged, I have a map that's 1/3 done and abandoned forever sitting in my saves folder