
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245788 times)

Hank goes to the take off lane (dunno what it's called) and takes off into the clouds
christ, you're in an RP about loving dogfights in a war and stuff and you don't even know what the hell a runway is, gg

"Heads up, the coffee tastes like stuff."

"Drink enough of it and you'll stop noticing, but yeah. Coffee is muddy water here."

christ, you're in an RP about loving dogfights in a war and stuff and you don't even know what the hell a runway is, gg
I forgot what it was called, sheesh

Hank flies around in the clouds, drowning his boredom with some barrel roles and other aeronautics maneuvers
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 08:58:52 PM by Agent Legit 22 »

I forgot what it was called, sheesh

Hank strafes around in the clouds, drowning his boredom with some barrel roles and other aeronautics maneuvers


in an aircraft strafing generally means to attack enemy ground forces with your machineguns/autocannons


in an aircraft strafing generally means to attack enemy ground forces with your machineguns/autocannons

"Heh, thanks."
I took a sip of the "coffee" and almost spit it back into the cup.
"Jesus, you're not kidding. They call this stuff espresso?"
I had never tried this stuff. Now I know I'm never drinking this stuff again.

Character Name: Rye Daxton
Character Age (18-50): 19
Piloting Style (Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground, or Multirole): Primarily Air-to-Ground, but does know how to fly air to air (sort of a hidden talent of his, I suppose).
Personality: Careful, Precise, Shy, Personal
Callsign: Turtle
(we have established his eyes are blue and therefore people poke fun at him and call him blue eyes)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 12:45:42 AM by Swat 3 »

"forget it."
I chug the rest of the coffee, then toss the paper cup in the trash.
Wonder what's for breakfast...

Hank notices his fuel is low, so he puts the planes landing gear down and runs through the precautions of landing.

"forget it."
I chug the rest of the coffee, then toss the paper cup in the trash.
Wonder what's for breakfast...

"So... he didn't get the chance to respond but now that you're here I guess I can ask the question to you both.

What got you flying?"

Name: Cassius Alvin Kissinger/Kißinger
Nickname: Oxide
Age: 24
Piloting Preference: Multirole, shows interest in A2G
Backstory: Born into a divorced family, and being an only child, Cassius had a relatively uneventful childhood. Put into a disadvantageous economic state due to his living situation, Cassius used the military as a way to get through college. He has a major in psycology, with a minor in Air Warfare Sciences (Or whatever minor you would get.)
Description: 6'2, lanky. Short shaven brown hair, bold hazel eyes. Defined jaw, scruffy face.
Personality: Quiet, but will open up quickly once he make friends and get familiar with his environment. He is tame, and usually doesn't get angry, but enough displays ignorance or illogical action can set him off. He will openly talk about things that concern him. Cassius was trained in multirole fighters as per NAUC's pseudo-'doctrine'. He has showed some interest in A2G warfare, but is otherwise satisfied with his position as being a multi-role pilot. Will bitch about cramped roosterpits.

"So... he didn't get the chance to respond but now that you're here I guess I can ask the question to you both.

What got you flying?"
"Always loved it. Got my pilot's license basically as soon as I could. Wanted to do something more, now here I am."

"Always loved it. Got my pilot's license basically as soon as I could. Wanted to do something more, now here I am."

"Ah. I've got a pretty similar story. Grew up with a crop duster, y'see. Fun stuff, having a whole farm to fly over. Not fun flying into a cloud of pesticide you just sprayed, though... I'm John, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Oh, yeah, I'm Jacov. Nice to meet you."
I sit down and extend my hand.

Catching the gesture, I return it and complete the handshake.

by the way i forgot to put this in my character's bio but he has a considerably thick huitzit accent