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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245804 times)

« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 07:51:19 PM by NoZoner »

It is SOME TIME LATER™. Guerra is up and about. Repairs progress further. Loadouts are finalized. You are all called to a briefing by your commander.

: Two days ago, the GTO launched an attack on the port city of Taiton, the Imperium's beachhead and base of operations in Mercana. Their hold here allows them to ship supplies straight to the Mercanan front by sea, rather than through all those countries south of us. We take Taiton, and they lose their naval supply line, which means any critical materiel they need up here has to pass through miles upon miles of dissident populations. Needless to say, this will be quite a problem for them. Now, the problem for us: The Imperials are well aware as to how important this city is to their war effort, and they've been fortifying the hell out of it ever since they took it over. According to our reconnaisance, the city is almost as fortified as some of the best-defended fortress-cities on the Imperial mainland. All sorts of defensive emplacements and traps are hidden all over the damn place, and to back it up they've got an Aerial fleet protecting it as well, including a carrier and its full complement of fighters.

He points out the way Mjolnir is going to be organized for this mission:
Code: [Select]
1-3: LEFTY
1-5: SABRE
1-6: WALT

2-1: OXIDE
2-3: TIPPY
: This brings us to what we need you lot to do. We're going to break you up into two teams, but you'll both be going after the same objective: Obtain air superiority over Taiton. Kill all the other jet-jockeying bastards that aren't flying GTO colors. Once you do that, you report to the forward air base set up nearby and await further instructions. Our ultimate objective is to take down that carrier and its' buddies, but don't get ahead of yourself. You won't be doing that on this sortie, so just focus on the enemy planes. Get suited up and get in the air, the AWACS will give you directions to the fight.

Bell suits up and gets inside the roosterpit of her PAK-FA, doing final flight checks before taxing onto the runway. She gets permission to take off from the tower.

"Mjolnir 1-1, taking off."

She fires up the throttle and takes off from McNamara.

I head out to the barracks to get suited up, then head to my aircraft. I start her up and get takeoff permission.
"Mjolnir 2-2 taking off."

I suit up and sweat it out in the J-10 as two technicians hurry to finish loading the gun. A familiar PAK FA rolls by. I start up the engine. It whines loudly, and cries its piercing, sadistic cry. The engine finally catches and starts. The whining stops and a loud whistle takes its place. One of the techs bangs on the sides, signaling that they are done. I lower the canopy and hook up the oxygen system. The cold air is soothing.

I complete pre-flights and roll out. The Helmet HUD comes on and starts processing everything in my lines of sight. The PAK FA the just pulled off of the runway, another flight landing on an adjacent runway, the elephant walk to the outgoing runway. An airborne AWACS. Little green boxes are everywhere.

I find myself waiting in a line to take off. There's a massive flight going up. I listen as Mercanans and Kintharians hurl epithets at one another in the takeoff line. That's about all I can pick up. They're saying more than that, there's laughing, and ATC's trying to get everybody to shut the forget up. A group of four takes off. Then another taxies on and gets away. I find myself in the next group and taxi on. I neglect to get permission because everybody else is just punching their throttles and going. I take off and climb to Bell's altitude. I stick loosly behind, ready for my group to form up on me.

I form up on Oxide's left wing, about 20 meters away.

"2-2, FNG, this your first mission?"

: Mjolnir Flight, head to these coordinates. There'll be a series of canyons there, just follow them and it'll spit you out in the combat zone. Hopefully, you'll have slipped under the Imperial radar and be able to catch them by surprise while the rest of us have their attention. Good luck.

"Second, sir. Attacked some ground forces a couple days ago."
I wiggle my wings as a salute.
"Copy that AWACS."
« Last Edit: April 24, 2015, 08:45:28 PM by Gojira »

The waypoint pops up on my HUD.

"I see," I reply.

I watch as one by one the other pilots fall into formation.

It isn't long before I'm in the air looking to join a formation.

"The carrier is all mine guys just so you know." I say sarcastically.

I fall in behind Tippy shortly after.

"I'm just here to nibble. Like most times you guys will barely notice me there. Good luck to all and shoot down many enemies."

I silently jog to my Aircraft and after checking up quickly with the technicians I climb aboard and mount up.

"Mjolnir 1-6, Taking off."

"Mjolnir 1-5, airborne."

I form up behind Junkers and receive the nav information from AWACS.

The right tachometer reading catches my attention as the aircraft lists gently to one side. I decouple the power and pull the left lever slightly back to even-out the thrust.

Really missing Takamichi right now...

You all break off from the main force and go towards your given coordinates. The canyons are tight enough that you have to fly in more or less single-file line, but it's mostly a straight shot through them to the battlefield.

Official Thread Music

As you exit the canyon, the city of Taiton finally comes into view; ruined skyscrapers outlined by the moon's reflection in the bay and illuminated by the searchlights, lasers, and anti-air fire coming from downtown. Stricken air cruisers from all sides lay burning in the slums, and the tracers in the streets indicate that most of the fighting still hasn't made it across the river to the city proper. Because any allied elements that push farther in would be annihilated by the enormous Imperial Dreidecker and its escort looming over the heart of the city, or because most of the bridges have been destroyed, it doesn't really matter. None of that is your objective, all you have to do is help the allied planes establish air superiority.
: Reinforcements have arrived, Mjolnir Flight is now joining the attack.

A damaged Imperial Air Cruiser lies between you and the rest of the air battle.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:47:34 AM by Qwepir »