
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 279581 times)

venezeula asserts that this is not true and vietnam is to stop totally loving world policing because it isn't your business
is the pot calling the kettle black
also it isn't blatantly world policing if you're doing forgeted up stuff to your citizens

ok yeah this is a blatant crime against humanity

official UN vote: Investigate Gran Venezuelan genetic experimentation on humans

wasn't this a UN vote before the UN got nuked

is the pot calling the kettle black


funnily enough yes

even more important this time because of children possibly being experimented on

the uk proposed to ban all experimentations on human genetics and human cloning

funnily enough, you lot voted against it
weird how that works

ban experimentation on minors and nonconsensual  experimenting

cloning = ok

genetic manipulation = ok

experimenting on babies that can't consent and not asking their parents + trying to make gargoyle humans = not ok

completely different situation. don't try to pull that stuff

they aren't "completely different" at all, they're all extremely similar and all ethnically wrong

venezeula once again assures that this isn't their experiments and that its all photoshop :((

northern electronics relocates some facilities to mars in regards to a artificial organism project.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 01:51:48 PM by Operator¹ »

venezeula once again assures that this isn't their experiments and that its all photoshop :((
you wanna loving fight about it

they aren't "completely different" at all, they're all extremely similar and all ethnically wrong
if people willingly accept experimentation and know consequences and stuff it should be ok
not stolen babies though

they aren't sto- WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING SRSLY

stop encroaching on my right to do whatever i please!!

what do ethnic groups have to do with it

it's the same process as loveual reproduction with nonrandom mating, but faster. we do it to plants, we do it to animals, we already do it to ourselves (but not as efficiently). there is no ethical issue unless you're talking stem cell harvesting (debatable + by now we can prolly just make them), human cloning (aloveual reproduction is the same concept)

few other nations have problems with the idea if its used safely. in this case it may not have been, so UN vote to see if a third party UN team can investigate and determine what is true and where to go from there