Author Topic: Hearthstone Megathread | Officially P2W  (Read 9622 times)

that's not a basic deck
its just the deck Annoying Orange uses in his F2P playthrough
good starting deck for priest

I said trading, not making. If there was trading, I'd think enchanting would simply be removed.
i dont think so, why would you go for an inferior system
imagine if to get dr. boom, you had to either find one or make someone part with theirs
no one would ever give up boom so its time to be never lucky boys
you have 40 bloodsail buccaneers? too bad

is dr. boom the best card or something

i dont think so, why would you go for an inferior system
imagine if to get dr. boom, you had to either find one or make someone part with theirs
no one would ever give up boom so its time to be never lucky boys
you have 40 bloodsail buccaneers? too bad
No, it makes more sense because then everything becomes worth exactly what it is. Dr Boom doesn't deserve to cost only 1600 dust, he's a totally different level of stupid. Trading makes sure cards of that level of stupidity remain harder to get. On the other hand, legendaries with obscure effects (aka: usually considered bad), would become much more easy to obtain; which would immensely help people making decks that need something that specific.

is dr. boom the best card or something
Easily the most broken single card in the game. It doesn't need to synergize with anything, it's just overwhelmingly powerful and works in practically any deck.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 01:30:04 AM by Pecon »

No, it makes more sense because then everything becomes worth exactly what it is. Dr Boom doesn't deserve to cost only 1600 dust, he's a totally different level of stupid. Trading makes sure cards of that level of stupidity remain harder to get. On the other hand, legendaries with obscure effects (aka: usually considered bad), would become much more easy to obtain; which would immensely help people making decks that need something that specific.
i don't agree with this logic it just makes it harder to get into the game with what youre saying because then you pay more than you already do for a stupid card that takes over the board on his own
is dr. boom the best card or something
Dr. Boom is a 7/7 for 7 mana that spawns 2 1/1 boom bots that do 1-4 damage for a deathrattle
they're very good at taking back a lost board by themselves, his statline is just a war golem

ive been face huntering my way to try and hit legend this season im at rank 7 3 stars atm
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 08:43:30 AM by Moriarty »

I built a Iron Juggernaut abuse deck for the tavern brawl.

Fun times.

Being someone who's only using tavern brawls to grinding to actually get some okay cards so I can build a deck:

I hate this tavern brawl so much. Every game is going into fatigue, and basically anything that you play that is aoe is a board clear. Either takes ages to finish the game, or either one of you die by turn 2-3