
print((CFrame.Angles(math.pi, 0, 0) * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)).Y)


Author Topic: [THREAD MOVED]  (Read 465851 times)

really good but the wheels need work

really good but the wheels need work
exactly. the wheels are out of proportion

exactly. the wheels are out of proportion
the rear wheels lock up if I go any lower

the rear wheels lock up if I go any lower
but wouldn't be easier if you set CanCollide to off?
unless the hull is a union..

but wouldn't be easier if you set CanCollide to off?
unless the hull is a union..
it's got cancollide off

it's got cancollide off
then i dont know.
you could turn everything but seats and wheels off;
if it doesn't work, try adding a CylinderMesh and change the offset to get inside the wheel

some handicap is spamming clickbait roblox videos with "john doe" in the title which is a test user from 06:

some handicap is spamming clickbait roblox videos with "john doe" in the title which is a test user from 06:

john does a huge thing for "scary roblox myths!!!!"

Ok it's not just this guy, it's few other youtubers

stuffs loving handicapped as hell

im taking this situation with a grain of salt although as dumb as i think it is, it does intrigue me as this is an odd little situation. guess im just the type to put to much thought into dumb things *cough* game theory *cough*

im taking this situation with a grain of salt although as dumb as i think it is, it does intrigue me as this is an odd little situation. guess im just the type to put to much thought into dumb things *cough* game theory *cough*
oh I swear to god, if they actually make a video on this.