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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 582958 times)

In starbound's case, the developers are just a bunch of idiots with too much money and ambition and no clear consistency control on their project.

They don't know how to add to their gameplay so they add a bunch of filler (pointless quests to lock away parts of gameplay, collect-a-thons and etc) to make it feel like the game is long and therefore worth the money spent for it.

therefore i rely on mods like "chuck le fish"

at least bethesda has direction

Shelter is surprisingly good. I heard it was boring.

This is less of Bethesda's fault for trying to push for fancier graphics, and more along the lines of them cutting costs by using a budget facial structuring engine, cutting the corners on their engine and basically dropping the ball on their art direction. Fallout 4 is more of a step in the right direction (from the snapshots we've seen of the game so far)
I was saying "cutting fancier graphics" ins relation to the old Fallouts - they had no fancy talking heads, and they were better as a result, even thought Fallout 3+NV were 3d.

Otherwise I agree with everything you say.

Renamed all my dwellers to forumers

John Freeman banged all my women.

None of Beth's recent games have required mods to run in any way. I was saying if you don't like a piece of the completed product then mod it. How is that a difficult concept?

Whatever, I'm not up to arguing with some joke ass circlejerk today.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:00:05 PM by Kaz »

I was saying if you don't like a piece of the completed product then mod it.

Mods should compliment the game, not complete it imo

All of Bethesda's recent games really needed mods to make the game a better experience, certain things like UI tweaks and even graphical error hotfixes are something that should be something covered by the lead developer, not the modding community.

If people paid money for a game and aren't content with the product they got, telling them "Mod it or gtfo" isn't going to accomplish anything.

Whatever, I'm not up to arguing with some joke ass circlejerk today.

What a lame loving cop-out. You're a moron.

All of that is entirely your opinion after the games have been out for loving years. Skyrim legit got a 10/10 in that one Japanese game mag. Eat a loving richard and go circlejerk somewhere else.

So sick of your higher than thou stuff.

Oh please, there is bad change and good change. Look at the reactions to Resident Evil and Dead space after they stopped being survival horror games. Do you think they were like "Yay progress", no they were they were pissed. People were up in arms when EA took out base building in Command and Conquer 4.

I guess it's called progress because that is what selective and biased people say.

All of that is entirely your opinion after the games have been out for loving years.

Games of which I have hours of gameplay in and that I enjoy with a passion. Which is why I have such a strong opinion of Bethesda's games. I want them to be able to make a better, more refined fallout / elder scrolls game.

But yeah, instead of addressing my point to tell me why my opinion is incorrect, you'd rather just sling stuff like you usually do.

Skyrim legit got a 10/10 in that one Japanese game mag.

I've said it before, skyrim is a great game in it's own right, it's just not a good elder scrolls game. It's plagued with a lot of little issues that build up into a glaring issue and ultimately, the game doesn't reach it's full potential without mods. The game shouldn't stop short of the modding community because as it stands, Skyrim wasn't worth $60 without mods.

Eat a loving richard and go circlejerk somewhere else.

Having a differing opinion isn't a circlejerk. I formed these opinions based off of my own experience with the series, and I'm not parroting anyone.

So sick of your higher than thou stuff.

I mean you can't even discuss your points properly without caving in and saying you aren't even going to bother discussing it. The least you could do is discuss the point without being a combative forget, but apparently you can't.

I'm not even going to bother reading that stuff because it just does not matter. Your opinion does not matter. The end. Feel free to never talk to me again.

I'm not even going to bother reading that stuff because it just does not matter. Your opinion does not matter. The end. Feel free to never talk to me again.

I don't even care anymore. If you don't have anything more to add to the discussion than you can go forget yourself with a rake.

Oh please, there is bad change and good change. Look at the reactions to Resident Evil and Dead space after they stopped being survival horror games. Do you think they were like "Yay progress", no they were they were pissed. People were up in arms when EA took out base building in Command and Conquer 4.

I guess it's called progress because that is what selective and biased people say.

The main problem I see with bethesda is that they have a bad habit of reinventing their game mechanics just for the sake of "innovation". A lot of great mechanics from Morrowind or Oblivion got randomly axed when it came time to develop Skyrim. I think part of it may be because of the development progress and how development got a bit muddled with them working on probably three things at the same time.

I'm not even going to bother reading that stuff because it just does not matter. Your opinion does not matter. The end. Feel free to never talk to me again.

holy stuff you're trash

I don't even care anymore. If you don't have anything more to add to the discussion than you can go forget yourself with a rake.

Alright, now that you've attacked me a few times I'll assume the flaming rule is no longer in effect for this so I'll go ahead and add what I removed from that post.

Allow me to make a parting remark. I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself or that you shouldn't  even exist; I'm going to tell you exactly how I feel about you and I hope you understand this is from the bottom of my heart. I hope you get married to a beautiful smart caring loving girl that's the light of your life. I hope you pop out kids at least one a year and I hope all of them are stillborn or crippled or mentally handicapped. I hope that pretty wife of your spirals into depression and offs herself. I hope both her family and yours blame you. I hope you turn immortal so you have to live out the rest of eternity knowing that the light of your life is gone forever.

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 08:10:49 PM by Badspot »