
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor

Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 581827 times)

Codsworth is great~ How about Ada from Automatron? Or.. are female Bots out of the question for him?
Male, female, transgender, it don't matter metal is always lovey

I usually don't care for female Robots, but I love Ada. Almost always have her with me, or Codsworth. Wish there was an Eyebot companion, like ED-E in New Vegas. :c

If we're talking about our favorite fallout companions. Then mine are Arcade Gannon, Gorris and Raul.

I usually don't care for female Robots, but I love Ada. Almost always have her with me, or Codsworth. Wish there was an Eyebot companion, like ED-E in New Vegas. :c
There's an ED-E mod bit he doesn't play music when fighting.

what idiot wouldn't forget fisto?
Probably someone who wants to murder the children of Megaton.

Nuka World is quite a lot of fun so far. And also surprisingly challenging. I've been kept on my toes by how tricky some of the animals are to fight and how hard they hit. Swarms of crickets can be quite tough without vats/jet.

I think I have died more in Nuka World than my total deaths before Nuka World

so im having a problem with the robco battlezone
when the galactrons come up from the trapdoors they don't move at all and when i finish the second wave with the novatron, i'm supposed to fight two but nothing is happening

When I went to the Battlezone I had already found, returned and activated 20 Star Cores, so all the robots were friendly and entering the arena did nothing.
I don't know if there was a switch or something I was supposed to use to start it up. If not it was a bit disappointing that an entire building became useless because I did stuff in a different order.

When I went to the Battlezone I had already found, returned and activated 20 Star Cores, so all the robots were friendly and entering the arena did nothing.
I don't know if there was a switch or something I was supposed to use to start it up. If not it was a bit disappointing that an entire building became useless because I did stuff in a different order.
Shame, the battlezone was my favorite part of finding the star cores.

so i started a new game on survival since my plans for the weekend got canceled(more or less), and i spent between 20 and 21 hours playing it the past 3 days just to have my save auto-delete itself after thanks to some mod conflict. as luck would have it, this happens RIGHT AFTER i clean out my dozens of save files across my 3 characters

so basically i'm starting all over again and will try to get back to the point where i was (level 24, 5 connected & built-up settlements, in-game date november 10, same-ish quests completed(that will be the hardest part to recreate, but it's going well so far))

player.setav speedmult 200
set timescale to 150
player.setscale 1.25
(and of course) tgm

two hours later and i'm at about where i was 8 hours into my deleted save. i forgot how fun running around super fast as an invincible jackass was. exclusively killing things with my fists or any large weapon only adds to the nostalgia i have of modding fonv for comedic fun instead of immersion, so i guess this wasn't a total loss

btw for pc players: if your gpu isn't complete ass, change these variables to the given values in documents\...\fallout4.ini, it will change your life


actually it will just make the the shadows update real-time, as opposed to quickly jumping to a new position every 30 seconds. i suffered like 1-2 fps drop but it's worth it