Author Topic: gender neutral kid switched up graduation  (Read 16086 times)

We wouldn't want the bigots to be uncomfortable. :panda: It must really suck for people to hate you for openly expressing bigoted opinions absolutely no reason.

Oh I said I'm intolerant and/or express hate towards them? Uh hold on, let me try to find where I said that.

Hmm...can't find it...

All I said is that I'm not supportive of the movement. I have nothing against people with gender/loveual orientation, and never said I did. What do you want me to do? Donate money? Invite a gay man to lunch? Why can't I just be indifferent?

i think the biggest problem is people can't accept that transgender is an actual thing instead of "i want to be a girl!!!1111" or a plea for attention

Doesn't give them special rights to turn the tables and be intolerant of others' problems with their movement though. I can say they're wrong 100 times and they can say I'm wrong 100 times, but nothing is accomplished and we always stay on Square 1.
The debate doesn't center on opinions though. The most vocal opponents of LGBTQ stuff are looking to deprive those people of basic rights.

The debate doesn't center on opinions though. The most vocal opponents of LGBTQ stuff are looking to deprive those people of basic rights.

Part of this is probably just ignorance but I don't really understand what rights they are deprived of besides marrying each other (soon to be 100% legalized if I've heard right). There's always gonna be the bad eggs who make life hard for them, but we still have tribals, feminational socialists, chauvinists, etc.

If someone could fill me in (legit request, not sarcasm) on what else they don't get that I can do myself.

(soon to be 100% legalized if I've heard right)
There are no "plans" to legalize it nationwide that I know of
But fairly recently there is now a majority opinion among the general population that it should be legal, and individual states are slowly starting to legalize it.

There's always gonna be the bad eggs who make life hard for them, but we still have tribals, feminational socialists, chauvinists, etc.
But the latter are far less numerous (and those who are there are taken far less seriously) than family men

If someone could fill me in (legit request, not sarcasm) on what else they don't get that I can do myself.
Marriage grants 1000-something miscellanous government benefits
It's also legal in many states (perhaps even the majority, I'm not sure) to fire someone from their job based on loveual orientation, whereas most other things like gender/religion/etc are protected

If someone could fill me in (legit request, not sarcasm) on what else they don't get that I can do myself.
I think the big issue here has nothing to do with them marrying, I think it has to do with them getting bullied.  

Also, I have a question for whomever.  And I want a yes or no answer without any more explanation so this is all very simple.  

Do I have to directly and actively support the movement of transgender rights to not be a transphobe?

Oh I said I'm intolerant and/or express hate towards them? Uh hold on, let me try to find where I said that.
The "you" in my response to your post wasn't directed at you; there's no need to go on the defensive.

All I said is that I'm not supportive of the movement. I have nothing against people with gender/loveual orientation, and never said I did. What do you want me to do? Donate money? Invite a gay man to lunch? Why can't I just be indifferent?
Anything you can. In particular, educate yourself on LGBT+ issues and don't stand for people you know spouting ignorant or bigoted opinions - educate them as well. Changes in society are effected one person at a time.

Why shouldn't you be indifferent?
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

- Martin Niemöller

Part of this is probably just ignorance but I don't really understand what rights they are deprived of besides marrying each other (soon to be 100% legalized if I've heard right). There's always gonna be the bad eggs who make life hard for them, but we still have tribals, feminational socialists, chauvinists, etc.

If someone could fill me in (legit request, not sarcasm) on what else they don't get that I can do myself.
LGBT+ people are still often murdered in hate crimes in addition to facing discrimination on both interpersonal and institutionalize levels. While LGB rights are finally getting to a vaguely decent place legally, they are still often subjected to harassment and discrimination. It's the T+ rights that are still not in a great place, legally or otherwise.

Of important note is that trans people need a lot of time with a psychiatrist in order to even qualify for the expensive medical treatments necessary to improve their quality of life from "abysmal" to "bad." This means that poor trans people are basically stuff out of luck.

Part of this is probably just ignorance but I don't really understand what rights they are deprived of besides marrying each other (soon to be 100% legalized if I've heard right).
Workplace discrimination, right to choose bathrooms, violence, etc.

Please answer my question because i'd like to know whether or not I'm a transphobe.

Do I have to directly and actively support the movement of transgender rights to not be a transphobe?
In a word, no. You only need to not hold prejudiced opinions against trans people. Many people have a knee-jerk aversion to some aspects of being trans, but I've found that proper education can mollify this. However, it would be great if you were also an active supporter of movements for trans rights.

Please answer my question because i'd like to know whether or not I'm a transphobe.
chill lol

(1) I did say "situations like this," but feel free to ignore that if that makes it easier for you to justify your common sense.

is that the only word you know? you're a one-trick pony

(2) I invite you to read this:


(3) Do you think that Self Delete or the extremely poor quality of life that can result from extreme and untreated gender dysphoria is less destructive?

what does any of that have to do with the fact that the surgery destroys their ability to naturally have children

What gives you the right to police what other people can and cannot do with their bodies?

what gives you the right to tell me who i must be attracted to and then pick buzzwords out of the dictionary and throw them at me when i tell you to get lost you fascist

(4) "capable of performing properly in" - What? Seriously, what? Do you have any evidence or are you just making things up?

i forgot that trans women are entirely capable of reproducing and produce their own eggs. woops! my bad. so sorry.

(5) Actually it's more like such surgeries are deemed part of treatment for gender dysphoria and are overwhelmingly supported by scientific evidence as improving the quality of life for trans people.

which of course is a valid reason to tell me i must be attracted to them or im a bigot or whatever dumb insult of the day youre using

There are no "plans" to legalize it nationwide that I know of
But fairly recently there is now a majority opinion among the general population that it should be legal, and individual states are slowly starting to legalize it.

I think I'd heard on the news that the Supreme Court was overdue on voting on the issue, and they expected a majority vote.

Also, I'm confident in my state that it's illegal to fire someone for orientation. Been job searching a lot recently and almost all of them mention it in their terms.

The "you" in my response to your post wasn't directed at you; there's no need to go on the defensive.
Anything you can. In particular, educate yourself on LGBT+ issues and don't stand for people you know spouting ignorant or bigoted opinions

But I still don't think it's scummy of me to not support them either. I don't and shouldn't feel an obligation to help a group that doesn't apply to me and/or I have disagreements with. I don't feed African children or save stray dogs (or help those who really do those things), and it's the same feeling here.

i think the biggest problem is people can't accept that transgender is an actual thing instead of "i want to be a girl!!!1111" or a plea for attention
I blame Bruce Jenner media thing.

But I still don't think it's scummy of me to not support them either. I don't and shouldn't feel an obligation to help a group that doesn't apply to me and/or I have disagreements with.
I don't necessarily mind if you disagree with the lifestyles of a homoloveual or a transgendered person, but choosing to deprive them of rights and make their lives harder means you're an starfish. I'm not implying that's what you're doing, but if you consider 'not helping them' to be voting against measures that improve their rights in society, then maybe.

which of course is a valid reason to tell me i must be attracted to them or im a bigot or whatever dumb insult of the day youre using
nobody is telling you "you need to be attracted to someone who had a vagina but now has a richard"
the point is you can't say "i'll never be attracted to a trans person" because you don't know who is trans unless they tell you
So if someone looks like an attractive female but they actually have a snake, then yeah it's fine to think "oh you have a snake i'm not into that sorry" but until you know they have a snake and they just look like a girl, you don't know they're trans

I blame Bruce Jenner media thing.
and attention-seeking kids and tumblr (or was it facebook?)'s "50 genders" special snowflake-ism

I think I'd heard on the news that the Supreme Court was overdue on voting on the issue, and they expected a majority vote.
i don't think the supreme court has the power to make new laws to legalize stuff?
i think the most they can do is say "this in unconstitutional, you can't do that anymore"
idk my undersatanding of government is kind of fuzzy

Also, I'm confident in my state that it's illegal to fire someone for orientation. Been job searching a lot recently and almost all of them mention it in their terms.
Tons of companies put such things in their own personal policies, but that's because they find it the right thing to do, not because they have any legal requirement to