Author Topic: gender neutral kid switched up graduation  (Read 16085 times)

I'm just confused
why on earth would they need, or even want to know what pair of chromosomes you have
why would YOU want to know what they had?

Because I prioritize concrete biology over your flimsy social dogma? Is it wrong for me to identify better with my own love than someone of the opposite love? We are physiologically, loveually and psychologically different by nature. If you want to pretend that this doesn't make a difference go ahead, but it does for me.

common sense, duh.

If I was sensible I wouldn't give a stuff what biological love you have I'd hate you anyway. I have stated that I am indifferent about transgenders. It doesn't scare me that you choose not to identify with your born love. I don't really care. I'll treat you like any other human being depending on how you treat me.

I don't necessarily mind if you disagree with the lifestyles of a homoloveual or a transgendered person, but choosing to deprive them of rights and make their lives harder means you're an starfish. I'm not implying that's what you're doing, but if you consider 'not helping them' to be voting against measures that improve their rights in society, then maybe.

Yeah that's not it.

i don't think the supreme court has the power to make new laws to legalize stuff?
i think the most they can do is say "this in unconstitutional, you can't do that anymore"
idk my undersatanding of government is kind of fuzzy

I found something.

Quote from: Wikipedia
The United States Supreme Court will decide whether a state may refuse to license same-love marriages and whether it may refuse to recognize same-love marriages from other jurisdictions. It heard oral arguments on April 28, 2015. A decision is expected in late June 2015.

I think this is what I heard about.

Yeah that's not it.
Then I have no problem with your views. Although, I'm confident that you'd think differently if you personally knew some transgendered people.

I found something.

I think this is what I heard about.
Oh, could you link the article?

Also I found this for which states you can be fired in

Oh, could you link the article?

Also I found this for which states you can be fired in

Oh, could you link the article?

the supreme court functionally cannot legislate, but it can obv make something effectively illegal if it determines existing laws make it so

(1) is that the only word you know? you're a one-trick pony

(2) and?

(3) what does any of that have to do with the fact that the surgery destroys their ability to naturally have children

(4) what gives you the right to tell me who i must be attracted to and then pick buzzwords out of the dictionary and throw them at me when i tell you to get lost you fascist

(5) i forgot that trans women are entirely capable of reproducing and produce their own eggs. woops! my bad. so sorry.

(6) which of course is a valid reason to tell me i must be attracted to them or im a bigot or whatever dumb insult of the day youre using
(1) 404 counterargument not found

(2) You come home with a girl from the bar and are getting ready to have love with her. How do you know if she's not bioogically female? You can't, unless you ask her (and she knows - she could be biologically male without knowing it if she has complete androgen insensitivity syndrome) or perform a genetic brown townysis or something like that. So if there's something to her not to do with her appearance that's affecting whether you're a-OK with having love with this person or completely revolted, you might be a transphobe.

(3) Lots of people are sterile for lots of reasons, such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, physical trauma, menopause, amputation (e.g. to remove a tumor), or natural causes. My mother, for instance, is naturally sterile.

(4) I'm not telling you who to be attracted to. I'm telling you that you probably wouldn't be able to tell if a certain person was trans even after having love with the person. Around 0.5%-1.2% (1 in 200 to 1 in 83) of people are trans, but how many trans people do you think you've encountered in your life? Odds are, you've encountered plenty of trans people without even knowing it. A person's being trans doesn't affect your attraction to them, even though you think it does, because you don't have some sort of magic trans radar.

(5) Would you be unwilling to marry a naturally sterile woman, then? I think that's pretty silly.

I blame Bruce Jenner media thing.
Her name is Caitlyn, and common sense didn't start with Caitlyn Jenner.

and attention-seeking kids and tumblr (or was it facebook?)'s "50 genders" special snowflake-ism
common sense also didn't start with tumblr or facebook.

But I still don't think it's scummy of me to not support them either. I don't and shouldn't feel an obligation to help a group that doesn't apply to me and/or I have disagreements with. I don't feed African children or save stray dogs (or help those who really do those things), and it's the same feeling here.
A tragic lack of empathy :/

Then I have no problem with your views. Although, I'm confident that you'd think differently if you personally knew some transgendered people.

I do know and have emailed as well as talked to in person a gay man who is also a professing Christian. He talked about the problems he's faced over the years and just now graduated from college. He's a pretty chill dude but faces discrimination from churches as well as other places (not okay)

Oh, could you link the article?

Also I found this for which states you can be fired in

Just the basic wikipedia article, had the most reliable statement from what I looked for. As for the states, I'm in MO so I guess it doesn't cover them. My mistake.

I just saw that one while searching.

A tragic lack of empathy :/

Sounds more like sympathy to me. More like I should feel bad for their tragic circumstances.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 11:57:27 PM by XR-7 »

common sense also didn't start with tumblr or facebook.
Of course not.
All I'm saying is attention seeking kids contributed towards the perception that some people have the transgender is just an attention seeking thing instead of an actual issue

I'm telling you that you probably wouldn't be able to tell if a certain person was trans even after having love with the person.
It would be pretty sad if you didn't notice what kind of parts they had unless love-change surgery has gotten a million times better than what i've heard it is

ok guys i guess im sensible. thanks for your help. i will continue on with being attracted to biological females and being bigoted and narrowminded. i am enlightened.

Because I prioritize concrete biology over your flimsy social dogma?
my flimsy social dogma meaning.... that i dont randomly ask people i know what chromosomes they have

IMO if somebody wants to be called he or she or whatever it's fine by me, I'll refer to them as that

Being confrontational or standoffish about pronouns or identification is stupid and useless. So what if this transgender man was born a woman? If they want to be called a guy, why can't you just... call them a guy?

It would be pretty sad if you didn't notice what kind of parts they had unless love-change surgery has gotten a million times better than what i've heard it is
It's fairly good for women. I've heard that there are some trans women who can fool gynecologists. A lot of trans men are still waiting for their sort of loveual reassignment surgery to improve, though, because that one isn't as good.

ok guys i guess im sensible. thanks for your help. i will continue on with being attracted to biological females and being bigoted and narrowminded. i am enlightened.
Clearly not. What's it like to ask every potential partner about their chromosomes before love?

IMO if somebody wants to be called he or she or whatever it's fine by me, I'll refer to them as that

Being confrontational or standoffish about pronouns or identification is stupid and useless. So what if this transgender man was born a woman? If they want to be called a guy, why can't you just... call them a guy?
Seems pretty reasonable to me, but you'd be shocked at how many people take MASSIVE issue with this.

Clearly not. What's it like to ask every potential partner about their chromosomes before love?

considering the people i associate with this is never going to be an issue