Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 299462 times)

and given my experiences with JavaScript and Firefox, it probably won't work on that either.

I've been working on a new script inspector, primarily for reviewers. It's certainly not mobile compatible and probably won't work well with smaller displays, and given my experiences with JavaScript and Firefox, it probably won't work on that either. I'll be making small improvements on that to try to replace the current review system.
I think you already know it, but it could be worth mentioning:
On server.cs, when you're handling strings inside arrays, the html somehow is nesting badly:
Code: [Select]
<span class="mu_global">$InputTarget_[<span< span=""> class="mu_text"&gt;"Self"</span<></span>]
Looks really good otherwise. Just needs some more syntax colors for standard syntax if/while/for/else, etc...

We're having some unplanned downtime for server updates. I was trying to diagnose a server memory issue and apparently the easiest way to resolve it is to do an OS update, so that's whats going on.

I think you already know it, but it could be worth mentioning:
On server.cs, when you're handling strings inside arrays, the html somehow is nesting badly:
Code: [Select]
<span class="mu_global">$InputTarget_[<span< span=""> class="mu_text"&gt;"Self"</span<></span>]
Looks really good otherwise. Just needs some more syntax colors for standard syntax if/while/for/else, etc...
Thanks. I'll look to see what specifically is causing that.

Edit: everything appears to be functioning normally as of 3:42 EST. PHP5 was updated to PHP7, so there may be some site/api issues. Please let me know of any issues you run in to.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 03:42:53 PM by Scout31 »

None of the add-ons load for me in the mod-manager.

Invalid Response
The server encountered an error!

Console: ERROR (TCPClient): error 3 for connection to Invalid response: 500

people are also apparently getting stuck in an update loop with version 3.0.3 of BLG, the only work around is to press cancel.

EDIT: friend request notifications are also showing their object ID, not their actual username too.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 06:50:34 PM by Paperwork »

I've taken the site offline while I resolve issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I've fixed most server sided issues and re-issued the update, now 3.0.5. Please let me know of any issues you encounter.

  function disconnectedCleanup() {


This function is supposed to have a %doReconnect parameter.

That was implemented in the 3.0.1 patch released on the 19th.

Using 3.0.5,

Code: [Select]
                                    Entering [ExtUINameTable]disconnectedCleanup(0)
                                       Entering [GlassLivePackage]disconnectedCleanup()

So i have oRBs, the original RTB and Glass all downloaded. Does that mean anything bad?

That was implemented in the 3.0.1 patch released on the 19th.

Nope, you still have this code in there:

package GlassLivePackage {
  function GlassOverlayGui::onWake(%this) {

    if(!GlassOverlayGui.isMember(GlassFriendsWindow)) {
      GlassFriendsWindow.position = (getWord(getRes(), 0) - getWord(GlassFriendsWindow.extent, 0) - 50) SPC 50;

  function disconnectedCleanup() {


  function GameConnection::onConnectionAccepted(%this, %a, %b, %c, %d, %e, %f, %g, %h, %i, %j, %k) {
    parent::onConnectionAccepted(%this, %a, %b, %c, %d, %e, %f, %g, %h, %i, %j, %k);


If you've really patched it and now it's wrong again... something is seriously wrong with that repo :D

That's really odd, I know I changed it at one point. It'll be out tonight.

I am a certified glass deleter. Seriously, you broke the old system of preferences of all things.