Author Topic: Visolator is back?  (Read 14652 times)

do I even need to mention when Akio responded to stufflord's "evidence?" post he started freaking out and was like "xeidious you need to back me up aihgiarhgioahni"
maybe because xeidious is the one that told me the opposite of what akio said?
dont take things out of context

Seriously stufflord needs to take a chill pill. When ipquarx replied to his comment regarding the IPs and ISPs he flipped a stuff in the teamspeak and started bragging about how he's gonna post the never-ending doors gif if Ipq replies again.
for real this why i don't forget with the teamspeak channel anymore

the last few times i went there its just stufflord and other dudes talking about how dumb the people they're arguing with are.

im not shocked that it's circle jerk.

Do you have evidence of me doing it? Just because I made something doesn't mean I also did it.

Attacking a server and attacking the master server is a huge difference.

Attacking a server and attacking the master server is a huge difference.
Reason why I say this is because you must be confused that I did both.

Go forget yourself.
If you want me to respect you give me a reason.

I'm not gonna be chill with a forgettard that thinks that referencing a past argument (which he was referencing first!) is "trying to revive the argument". I have no reason to take stufflord seriously.
and if this quote is true you and stufflord've got some stuff to explain lmao. birds of a feather haha
Firstly you're only proving my point further, secondly when did i ever say i wanted you to respect me? nice going.

Do you have evidence of me doing it? Just because I made something doesn't mean I also did it.

Attacking a server and attacking the master server is a huge difference.
Do you not understand spamming the master server can be multiple things?
When you use the exploit to make multiple versions of the same server, you are spamming the master server

I've been on the servers in which you were loving around with, you arn't fooling me and you arn't fooling anyone else that was there to witness you as well.

stop trying to damage control

You've admit it serveral time that you openly attacked the servers in NUMEROUS WAYS, only a few people knew about the certain methods of using the exploit at the time, and they were all in your little gang of attackers.
there is no escaping from what you did, there is no "rebuilding your reputation" You made a stupid choice, that stupid choice brought this upon you, now you're trying to damage control as i've said many many many many many times. It's not going to happen.

You don't get it, I didn't use the command to send spam to the master server, ever. I did not "attack the master server"

Yes, I was messing around, that's called "attacking a server", stop assuming I've done every single thing. This doesn't mean I sent a command to the master server, aka spamming it. The only evidence is me using a backdoor aka using the add event exploit, not sending master server spam.

Firstly you're only proving my point further, secondly when did i ever say i wanted you to respect me? nice going.
I don't care about your point. I think it's stupid and I stand by what I said.

your little gang of attackers.
what are you talking about
there is no escaping from what you did, there is no "rebuilding your reputation"
what are you talking about

Xeidous is talking out of his rear, he seriously is not understanding a word of what I am explaining.

Xeidous is talking out of his rear, he seriously is not understanding a word of what I am explaining.

stufflord is one of those people who just go into a topic and states their opinion blindly no matter how stupid it is and doesn't understand why he get stuff for it, like really

stufflord is one of those people who just go into a topic and states their opinion blindly no matter how stupid it is and doesn't understand why he get stuff for it, like really
i realize how loving stupid this is and i will try to stop
all it does is derail threads

Xeidous is talking out of his rear, he seriously is not understanding a word of what I am explaining.

His little gang of attackers refers to
It was shared to 2 people: _cake and Summet, Zapk also had the link but I'm sure he didn't download it. It wouldn't matter because either way you could use the /addEvent exploit with or without the mod.
i'm talking out of my rear you say? Can you explain t me what other reason you would have for giving your mod to these individuals? other than they're your buddies and you wanted a nice ol kick out of doing stupid and malicious bnullstuff. please.

no edit: also point out where i ever said it was just you spamming the master servers and no one else visolator? where did i say that? because as far as i remember im clumping you into the group of _cake and Summet, you didn't do it all by yourself but you sure as hell chimed in on doing so.

i remember visolator, he wasnt a bad guy, but idk