Author Topic: "Block Trek" Star Trek Megathread - Toy Enterprise Model  (Read 66333 times)

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #9
I'm back with more progress :)

Today is another momentous day in the ship's construction. I have been frequently getting asked by server guests for me to show them the ship's bridge, to which I have always had to reply "it isn't built yet". But recently I decided I don't want that to be the case anymore. Thus the centerpiece interior of the ship is now complete: THE BRIDGE! Building it took me about two and a half days, and it's probably the most difficult room I've done so far, but it was SO worth it. I'm amazed it came out as well as it did, and I never thought it'd be so spacious. On to pictures!

Here's the ship as it is now from far away. The bridge is on the top of the saucer.

Here is a view of the bridge from closer up, the outside of the ship.

Getting up closer for a wide-angle shot of both the inside and the outside, and a view out to the side of space.

A picture of the bridge from up on the cieling! Lieutenant Geese is operating the Scientific Viewer console, Ensign Unicode is manning the helm, and I'm in my new captain's chair :D

Did I mention the cieling dome is transparent? You can see up and out for a beautiful view of space, as well as the engineering hull above and behind us.
Full speed ahead, Mr. Unicode!

The bridge has most of the same design as the TOS Constitution Class Enterprise did in the original show. There are some small modifications though, and the bridge is slightly more advanced in design. Here you can see the alcove ceiling light arrangement.

Aside from the new bridge, I have also completed the outer hull design for the rest of the primary hull. Here you can see the new impulse engines glowing hot.

The ship now also has a brand-new Warp Core! The old core was about 4 years old, and was not in the best shape. So, I went and ripped out 90% of it and redid it again!

Cargo Bay 4, on Decks 4 and 5, has gotten some modifications. It now has access ways to the Deuterium Control Room via the ladder, and Deck 6 via the floor grate.

Deck 6 is almost complete. I've done every room except the Aft Torcreep Bay. Here you can see the public bathroom I put on Deck 6.

Deck 6 also has two dedicated Junction rooms, which serve as rooms by which players can traverse from deck to deck across the ship. This is Junction Room 06-A.

Junction Room 06-B.

Deck 6 also houses the ship's Hazardous Materials Storage bay. The corridors outside the Hazmat Storage Rooms have sensors and bulkheads in case of hazardous leaks.

The Hazmat Storage bay is divided into two sections, each heavily shielded but nonetheless dangerous to be in. This is the Medium-Risk storage room.

This is the High-Risk Hazardous Materials storage room. The entire floor is equipped with a large cargo transporter-marker pad, for emergency beam-outs of dangerously failing cargo.

And now for a final picture, back on the bridge, Mr. Unicode trying out the captain's chair!

That's all for now!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 05:04:43 PM by Planr »

For the helmsman, I would propose using VCE variables for a 3D coordinate system, using vectors to calculate movement. It would likely be close to real time (maybe 100 or so ms delays on updates). Because staring at numbers all day as a helmsman would be boring, I would create fore and aft sensor screens showing the respective hemispheres and, optionally, a 2D map screen showing the overall position of the ships.

The two hemispheres would have points representing enemy ship(s), with color indicating allegiance and value indicating distance (the raw numbers in 3D polar coordinate format would be available for fine-tuning manuevers and getting the exact distance).

Planr's idea was, instead of that, turn-based RPG combat where neither ship moves and they just shoot until the other dies. No firing arcs, no range modifiers, no fancy maneuvers, no evasion of slow projectiles, no fun playing the helmsman.

NasaBoy3000's TMP Enterprise Refit - Alpha Screenshots #1

NasaBoy3000 (BL_ID 3626) has given me the go-ahead to share some pictures of his progress so far on his ship.

For those who don't know, he's making the version of the Starship Enterprise from the first 6 Star Trek movies, AKA the one that's arguably most famous:

The TMP Enterprise Refit!

Now remember, this ship belongs to NasaBoy3000. Just so people know that he built this.

On to pictures!

An overall view of what Nasa's done so far on the exterior.

Close-up shot of the Enterprise's Photon Torcreep Launcher, mounted on the neck.

Me next to an airlock for scale.

The Torcreep Bay in the neck, so far. It's a very detailed room in my opinion!

Let's get in the Turbolift and head to another part of the ship.

This is the main atrium of the second-lowest deck of the Saucer section. This deck houses the secondary cargo bays.

I believe this is a cargo transporter pad. It's got that TMP vibe alright!

The most spacious cargo bay on this deck.

The aft cargo bay on this deck.

Down in the bottom of the saucer is a sensors operations room.

A beautiful lit-up picture of the underside of the Enterprise's saucer.

Be sure to give Nasa applause if you like his work! I think he's one of the best builders there is on Blockland.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 02:16:05 AM by Planr »

Oh my god. You know i barely remember NasaBoy building anything spectacular when i first started, then i log in today 7 years later and i see this.

Phenomenal, good work.

New prints completed! These will be used on NasaBoy's TMP Enterprise :)

I am exploding with joy, I would love to give this a visit.

Just in, guys! The deflector dish for the Lionheart is done! However, the question is - which version of it would you like to see on the ship? Go and pick which one you'd like to see in the poll above!

Here are the choices:
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 11:35:46 PM by Planr »

Well this has been a bit of a surprise. Unfortunately the Sunflower style is not possible, after doing some brick support tests on it. The angled glowticks on the sunflower style cannot be supported by bricks in any way, as their thin topsides cannot be built on top of (or under, if they're flipped). Thus, I have no choice but to use the Lotus design (because using a 4-tick half-baked sunflower design is a crappy idea IMO).

This design therefore wins.

Additionally, the current ship builds are now available; the download link is updated to March 29th (as of today of this post).

Also be sure to check out the new Star Trek TMP prints! A download link for them has been provided in the OP as well under the addons section.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 03:00:43 AM by Planr »

The lotus one looks much better anyway imo.  The Sunflower design would have been great if the bricks around it meshed and flowed with it better, perhaps having some of the foreground bricks protrude, but originality is better when making models I think.

P.S. Thanks for letting me know when the server was up, Planr.  I do apologise for missing it.

Enterprise Refit - Alpha Screenshots #2

So I have been putting quite a lot of work into this project the past few days!  I would say I am 80% done with the hull of the engineering section of the ship.  All that is left is:

-Making connections for warp pylons
-Putting windows/Portholes in
-Patching the hole by the hangar doors
-Building a deflector dish (This one is going to be hard/fun!)
-Building three little do-dads on the front near the deflector dish.  I have no idea what they are but it looks wrong without them.

Alright, now on with some pictures.

Torcreep Tubes:

Torcreep Room:

An outside shot of the engineering hull:

Hangar Doors (Incomplete)

Alright, that is pretty much it for this update.  I was also thinking about perhaps doing some sort of video series of building this if there was any interest.  It would basically just be me commentating some building with some time lapses and such.  If you guys are interested let me know!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 05:35:19 PM by NASAboy3000 »

Yeah that sounds awesome! Great work!