Checking for shader shadow support: - Enabled via $Shader::Enabled? YES - ARB_shader_objects? YES - ARB_shading_language_100? YES - EXT_texture_array? YES - EXT_texture3D? NO - glTexImage3D? YES - EXT_framebuffer_object? YES - ARB_shadow? YES - OpenGL Version? 2.1 ATI-1.24.38 - GLSL Language Version? 1.20 o Shaders are ACTIVE/Users/erichartman/dev/Blockland/premake/BlocklandGame/../../engine/bricks/octShadows.cpp:176 - GL Error: 1281 - GL_INVALID_VALUERegenerating Shadow Map FBOs...Creating shader program from shaders/Minimum_vert.glsl and shaders/Minimum_frag.glsl...Creating GLSL program...Attaching shaders...Linking GLSL program...
/Users/erichartman/dev/Blockland/premake/BlocklandGame/../../engine/bricks/octShadows.cpp:176 - GL Error: 1281 - GL_INVALID_VALUE
Replace your blockland.exe with the one in my post here and exec the script after you start the server
Sorry but what does this mean after the Checking for shader shadow support section?
Shaders like to echo random errors from time to time. Could be that your gpu/drivers are too old. If you're still seeing shadows it probably doesn't matter...
OS: Windows Vista SP1
there's the problem
can you not do this
It's not even close to the problem.
you're the problem