Author Topic: 2015/12/23 - Blockland r1984  (Read 173691 times)

Download Zeblote's modified exe

Sorry but what does this mean after the Checking for shader shadow support section?

Code: [Select]
Checking for shader shadow support:
   - Enabled via $Shader::Enabled? YES
   - ARB_shader_objects?           YES
   - ARB_shading_language_100?     YES
   - EXT_texture_array?            YES
   - EXT_texture3D?                NO
   - glTexImage3D?                 YES
   - EXT_framebuffer_object?       YES
   - ARB_shadow?                   YES
   - OpenGL Version?               2.1 ATI-1.24.38
   - GLSL Language Version?        1.20
   o Shaders are                   ACTIVE

/Users/erichartman/dev/Blockland/premake/BlocklandGame/../../engine/bricks/octShadows.cpp:176 - GL Error: 1281 - GL_INVALID_VALUE
Regenerating Shadow Map FBOs...
Creating shader program from shaders/Minimum_vert.glsl and shaders/Minimum_frag.glsl...
Creating GLSL program...
Attaching shaders...
Linking GLSL program...

I haven't noticed this before.
Code: [Select]
/Users/erichartman/dev/Blockland/premake/BlocklandGame/../../engine/bricks/octShadows.cpp:176 - GL Error: 1281 - GL_INVALID_VALUE

Replace your blockland.exe with the one in my post here and exec the script after you start the server

Thanks, no crash or runtime for more than 24 hours, definitely fixed the issue

Sorry but what does this mean after the Checking for shader shadow support section?

Shaders like to echo random errors from time to time. Could be that your gpu/drivers are too old. If you're still seeing shadows it probably doesn't matter...

Shaders like to echo random errors from time to time. Could be that your gpu/drivers are too old. If you're still seeing shadows it probably doesn't matter...
Mac, rip.

Either way, I can run minimum S&S.

I was asking because I haven't seen those errors before.


  • Administrator
Sorry but what does this mean after the Checking for shader shadow support section?

glGetError is called before the shaders are compiled to clear it out and make room for any shader compilation errors.  When it does that, it turns out there's already an error in there.  What that means is that somewhere in the opengl code in all of the rest of the engine, some invalid value is set.  This artifact has been there since shaders were implemented (and likely before then) so I doubt it's the source of any major problem. 

So what's the status on fixing runtime error and load freeze?

I think its safe to say that Zeblotes fix works. New Years had over 140 players with 0 crash.
fast packets on up in the 90's range

Still randomly get runtime errors more than any other crash  :panda:

OS: Windows Vista SP1

can you not do this
It's not even close to the problem.
you're the problem
windows vista has massive loving problems with things like this, i didn't say it as a funny joke, i'm serious

The problem isn't vista, the problem is that blockland is broken. But badspot doesn't seem to care, or would be posting here.