Author Topic: Steam is forgeted at the moment  (Read 18415 times)

Merry Christmas guys
Hope you didn't plan on getting things on Steam

uhm lmaoo is the guy who was wrong about being cancer free a few months ago really trustworthy???

I know, but still there are like two thousand coming from china per minute

"@0xabad1dea @WhiteMageSlave current theory is that someone mucked up the akamai cache settings trying to mitigate a DDOS"

This works, given that Steam and Origin were both hit heavy-hard by a DDoS earlier today.

That's probably the most sensible explanation. The store pages and login servers were completely down this morning, so the thought that somebody forgeted up while busting their ass off to fix a problem like that isn't a farfetched theory.

So can I still play tf2 and blockland.
(blockland steam ver)

Is it safe to play games on Steam, or is it just the 'DON'T DO ANYTHING OR ELSE YOU'RE loving SCREWED' scenario

i think you can still play games but if someone is viewing your stuff right now you're a bit screwed anyways

Steam has responded:

"Account information incorrect
We've gotten reports that people sometimes see other people's account information on the account page. Valve has been made aware of this and are working on a fix.

Some frequently asked questions:
- No, Steam is not hacked

- Creditcard info and phone numbers are, as required by law, censored and not visible to users"

You can play games without any issues.

-nvm, read post above me but im staying cautious-

man i just wanted to install life is strange

stuff stuff
i have $33.73 on my account, is it safe?