Author Topic: Steam is forgeted at the moment  (Read 18430 times)

well yea, there are literally thousands of DDOSes coming from China per minute, more than usual. It's a DDOS and a hack
You're wrong, and it's clear you don't understand what a DDoS is or what hacking involves.

There was a DDoS on both Origin and Steam servers this morning. That attack ended a while ago, and during Valve's attempted repairs they've screwed up something with the cache service.

Origin, on the other hand, has returned to normal operation.

well yea, there are literally thousands of DDOSes coming from China per minute, more than usual. It's a DDOS and a hack

can you stop being dumb thanks
if you're getting your information from that ddos website from ages ago, i hope you're aware that it only shows ddos attacks to their bait centers made entirely to trick people into ddosing them.

I don't have any funds in my accounts or any credit cards added am I clear? Should I still change my password after this?

This came out of nowhere and kind of scared me.

well I don't know if my PayPal is connected to steam for sure, but how do I disconnect from steam through PayPal just in case?


First, go to your Paypal.
Click the cogwheel in the top right.
Then in the bottom right, click "Preapproved Payments"
A list will show up and in there you will find Steam
Click on it, and press the cancel button.
You will get an e-mail notification.

Congratulations, you're now a little safer.

Creditcard & phone number is not the biggest security threats for accounts, as they both are not fully revealed to the user.
The biggest threats are the account names and account e-mails, both of which are vital and recommended to remain hidden from public.
...I think that someone spending all of your money would be a bigger concern

...I think that someone spending all of your money would be a bigger concern
Except that is not possible in this situation. The pages are the equivalent of visiting the Wayback Machine or viewing a cached version of a page while you lost connection to the internet.

thanks, I just did that.

now is there any way to secure my email or phone?
I see a lot of people posting how they've lost thousands of dollars, their card number / phone number is compromised, etc.


The issue is/was a caching issue, meaning the last page visited for another user will show up as the page you're trying to access. Aside from that, there's no way to dig deeper into your account. Therefore, any purchases you've made, even if another page was displayed, are simply delayed and will show up on your account.

In the unlikely case your account has been compromised, be sure to check your bank account and/or Paypal and contact their support. Steam support is generally useless.

If you have any questions or you're concerned about your personal information, you can post it here and I'll try to ease the worry a little, and hopefully other people can clear things up for you as well.

It may be a good idea to simply not access any Steam store pages for the time being if you don't want your partial numbers displayed. That's the ONLY way information will be leaked, and it's incomplete, and therefore useless. That's what a security precaution is, for situations like these.

How true is this

Funny hearing people saying this is just cache issue and our accounts are safe. But a few pages earlier, someone bought a game with friend's account.

Nothing is safe right now.

vita's dumb
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 05:47:09 PM by MrLoL² »

Except that is not possible in this situation. The pages are the equivalent of visiting the Wayback Machine or viewing a cached version of a page while you lost connection to the internet.
It's sort of like if you printed out every page on Steam you visit, then mixed them together with the same for other users. When you click a link, it picks a random paper and shows it to you. You can view other sheets, but it's not interactive.

Funny hearing people saying this is just cache issue and our accounts are safe. But a few pages earlier, someone bought a game with someone's account.
I haven't seen any other reports of that happening apart from his post. I would have thought if it was actually an issue, it would be pretty wide spread.

a lot of people just said they did as a joke don't buy into the fearmongering

Funny hearing people saying this is just cache issue and our accounts are safe. But a few pages earlier, someone bought a game with friend's account.

Nothing is safe right now.
steam shut the stores down
how is that possible?

I haven't seen any other reports of that happening apart from his post. I would have thought if it was actually an issue, it would be pretty wide spread.
I have, but they seem fake just to raise awareness of it and/or attention whore