
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 501880 times)

gargoyle stoneplate tho

stuff looks like it would be broken on poppy or sion or such
>make sure lulu is on team
>4k health sion
>use stoneplate in middle of team fight
>8k health sion
>press q
>courage of the colossus gives 454 hp shield
>press w
>800 hp shield
>1254 hp shield
>the biggest shield
>elixir size increase
>stoneplate size increase
>lulu ult
>the biggest man alive
>press r

betting that they're gonna put a cast time on it once they see how broken poppy/sion/cc tanks are with this item

Lol gg riot adaptive helm will kill singed

70 mr on top of that ridiculous passive and 10% cdr

Riots balance team is on crack

Edit: nvm what am I saying, EVERY tank item change is a singed nerf gg riot
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 01:15:23 PM by Cappytaino »

How has no one thought of cho'gath using gargoyle's plate? His ult would be so op.

every time riot forgets singed a joyful tear goes down my face

every time riot forgets singed a joyful tear goes down my face
every time riot changes anything in the game, the balance team wipes their ass with Singed

How has no one thought of cho'gath using gargoyle's plate? His ult would be so op.
ya some people were talkin about it

potential 1100 hp nuke (on a tanky build, comparison was with full ap build being 1200 nuke) since true damage probably isnt 60% damage reduced

every time riot changes anything in the game, the balance team wipes their ass with Singed


doesn't seem to increase the damage, not atm at least, the nearby enemy dummies grant you the additional resists but active doesn't seem to increase health in any case so it's prob busted

and so begins my climb out of bronz

story recap:
placed in bronz 2 with like 3 wins 3 losses
of the next 20-30 ranked games i lose 80% and drop to bronze 4 20lp
then broke the losing streak day before yesterday and am now at bronze 3

can someone tell me why they play support camille in lcs



Trying to get a bronze Smurf to play with Irl friends

Rank it to 30 over the weekend all that good stuff

Trying to tank placements without straight up trolling and my first provisional, I get placed against a silver 3 Yasuo one trick so in the true spirit of the tank, I pick Renekton and give Yas a farm lane and try to avoid killing him or dying

The motherforgeter legit Self Deletes into my tower 4x with his E and my team ends up carrying me while I afk farm

Riot why

why wouldn't you just place with your friends so the accounts mmr tanks