
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 503077 times)

yorick vs naut is cancer i can confirm as a yorick main
chogath is up there as well, along with swain and any ranged champ

hes basically only good against people who cant escape or silence him if they all in him

thing is, I was second pick blind on our team for top lane. rip him. iceborn after sunfire was great, though I was helping the rest of the team at that point

I experience this as well in gold, started to ban him myself as he doesn't even need to get "fed" to have an impact on mid-late. The yi's I've met can build 2 tanks items and still pop you, making it impossible to burst him down without consistent cc, such a pain.

I know everyone's saying "boohoo yi is so easy to counter just cc him", but I think he's getting out of hand when he can build tanky and have the highest dmg output in the game.

actually when I looked at that page riot put up for 2016 stats, I had died the most to Yi and thought it was because of my inexperience at first. screw yi. at least I can play around a yasuo wind wall of bullstuff as an adc(not really). I haven't actually seen a good one in a while but it does seem impossible to push out any lane for fear of getting instagibbed.

actually when I looked at that page riot put up for 2016 stats, I had died the most to Yi and thought it was because of my inexperience at first. screw yi. at least I can play around a yasuo wind wall of bullstuff as an adc(not really). I haven't actually seen a good one in a while but it does seem impossible to push out any lane for fear of getting instagibbed.

It annoys me that there's no outplay potential vs a yi (but he got all the outplay potential with a good alpha strike) if you're a dmg dealer, it's all about who kills who and yi's gonna kill you if you're not super fed. You're still gonna die if you're 1/0 and he is 0/6. Yasuo you can outplay. If yi runs at you and you got no team supporting you, you know you're dead.

Yi is dumb because you have to hard cc him or he just rolls your team and usually whoever has the hard cc is too handicapped to save it for him

rito nerf yi is now applicable to all elos

These new bird cigarettes... Rakan is not a support by any means. forgeter has all the engage potential and damage to be an adc on his own.

I met Xayah in mid, it was a really tough matchup.

These new bird cigarettes... Rakan is not a support by any means. forgeter has all the engage potential and damage to be an adc on his own.

I've seen rakan mid, he doesn't need to build AP and can do way too much damage
I was playing lux, which is a pretty safe pick because huge amounts of damage out of nowhere, and then rakan was doing more damage from level 1
he was able to build abyssal and zhonyas first and as his only AP for the whole game, and keep his burst on everybody

I know everyone's saying "boohoo yi is so easy to counter just cc him", but I think he's getting out of hand when he can build tanky and have the highest dmg output in the game.
yi is pretty silly
but I've always built full tank mundo and had the highest damage by far
because mundo is silly :cookieMonster:

autofill supp, playing a lost game, turn it around with clutch ali plays, feelsgoodman

this is why i ban illaoi like always whenever playing top, if im not fearing chogath will show up

anyone who isn't handicapped can at least go even with any melee champ since tentacle rape is op

don't most illaoi now run grasp or stormriders after the ad ratio nerf on deathfire

everytime i get bored of the game i just run weird bard builds and everythings good again