
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 479561 times)

on the bright side
just played some bull, was hilarious face tanking blitz grabs to save my adc
also very painful, but luckily bull is very tanky

Problem is that Singed isn't bad. All of seasons 3-5 he was fine, even in the damage metas back then. He's getting absolutely forgeted by damage creep/mobility creep on nearly every champion riot touches directly or indirectly.

Triforce rework buffed jax and Irelia, cleaver and Darius rework is just brutal, ekko top was a menace for a while, etc etc.

Singed's kit has barely been touched save for the QoL changes and bug fixes. It's not that Singed is bad, so many champions are just overturned right now. More champions than just Singed are suffering from this meta as well.

Secretly Harambe: l2p
Secretly Harambe: adc
Secretly Harambe: kids
Openly Harambe: kek

Why are people like this? I just want to play a game without any bm. Is that so hard to ask? loving Wukong main goes bot and destroys me while I'm trying to learn adc and he just has to stuff talk after the game like forget man just take your win and go home jesus

yep ppl are cancer like that

i just learned to ignore them and focus on learning how to get better.

I just hate when ur team doesn't listen to shotcalls and wastes time walking around aimlessly while the enemy slowly catches up in gold and u have to sit there watching your lead slip away for 15 mins before losing

I just hate when ur team doesn't listen to shotcalls and wastes time walking around aimlessly while the enemy slowly catches up in gold and u have to sit there watching your lead slip away for 15 mins before losing

When you kill 3 or more of the enemy team and baron is up but your team recalls

Why do people pick champs in ranked they know they can't play
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 03:13:42 PM by Deus Ex »

When you kill 3 or more of the enemy team and baron is up but your team recalls

Why do people pick champs in ranked they know they can't play
in addition, why do people get so damn salty in norms (let alone blind pick) when someone isn't doing well.

the whole point of that mode is for practice so you have to expect the worst from your teammates until proven wrong

I know people that only play norms. So they take it very seriously at times.

I guess it's those kind of people.

i play normals for fun but i also want to win

nothings wrong with wanting to win - i dont troll my games, even if i might suck. its those that treat the game like its ranked that peeves me.

not like complaining here will do much though. just gotta keep practicing i guess.

Of course. The entire point of all your previous 'gitting gud' was so that you could win, and the future is now.

But this doesn't exempt the fact that people are in normals to practice and get better at the game before they make impact on their rank. Factor in that normal ELO is probably still separated from ranked ELO, you're going to get people that might not perform as well as you do.
Being salty at them is not going to help them improve, just get more frustrated and make more mistakes. No one benefits from this because you increase your chances of losing and they don't focus on evolving their gameplay well enough.

You need to accept losing.

Played some normals today trying to get some mojo back, mostly losses. Here's some clips from some of the wins

Syndra game
Jayce Game

Mostly played Jayce, he's pretty fun. Didn't find that much success at first but then I tried buying bf first item instead of dirk and going towards the duskblade as first completed one and it got me two wins at the end of the day (went 3-2 overall with him)

Que'd up top/mid and got two mid games in the middle of Jayceing around, first I played Ahri and lost a 50 min game and then that syndra game

4-3 total for today

hey i went from s3 to p2 in 200 games I should make reddit

OI how am I the second coming of harambe :^(