
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 512703 times)

I dont understand the norms matchmaking system, why do I keep getting matched against plats and diamonds? It's hard to learn how to play when I'm getting utterly stomped out.

I dont understand the norms matchmaking system, why do I keep getting matched against plats and diamonds? It's hard to learn how to play when I'm getting utterly stomped out.
The matchmaking system is basically just it's own ELO. This means that you have the same normal ELO as those plat and diamond ranked players.
This could either mean that you've got a pretty high normal ELO, or they've got a really low one.

My Sona is up to mastery rank 7 now. Last game was a blast, ended up with an S+, so happy right now

kepytop aka tophat is confirmed gr8 sona if you are an adc looking for a support to both feed you and keep ur ass alive kepy is your forgetin man

who in their god damn minds at riot thinks that camille is balanced and fair in 1v1 situations, only thing that you can hope is that she's bad, behind, or heavily cc'd

you cant even flash out of her ult ffs, its the ultimate jarvan ult
zhonyas doesnt work either because its 2.5 seconds and camille's ult lasts for 4 seconds
her E is basically a loving mile, flashing away does not work
if you do manage to get out of the ult (thresh lantern) you get tp'd back into it

you've outdone yourselves rito, rip my mages in mid

kepytop aka tophat is confirmed gr8 sona if you are an adc looking for a support to both feed you and keep ur ass alive kepy is your forgetin man


also working on my Nami play before she leaves the free rotation, closing the gap of IP I need to get her. I've scored a few S ranks already so far :D

who in their god damn minds at riot thinks that camille is balanced and fair in 1v1 situations, only thing that you can hope is that she's bad, behind, or heavily cc'd

you cant even flash out of her ult ffs, its the ultimate jarvan ult
zhonyas doesnt work either because its 2.5 seconds and camille's ult lasts for 4 seconds
her E is basically a loving mile, flashing away does not work
if you do manage to get out of the ult (thresh lantern) you get tp'd back into it

you've outdone yourselves rito, rip my mages in mid

I have an easy time with her as singed. Rylais rush forgets her and if you fling her out of her ult, it cancels and you can leave.

i got the magnificent tf in a mystery skin

year in review

no wayyy (feign surprise here)

if only

ad ahri in bot games, lul

i think i only had one penta kill in a real game, i play too many bot games

forget poppy

rip fallen friends

i got the magnificent tf in a mystery skin
i also have magnificent tf

magic boys

So uh

Nasus is a pretty good pick into dirty poppy players

Especially after the ult buffs, he can completely run away with the lane after ~100 stacks

Armorshred and %maxhp magic dmg on ult, armor shred on E, and wither to stop that busted champ from running away from a dirty duel

I found I was able to duel poppy at 100 stacks and trade evenly, and once i got IBG, lane was completely over.

i cant decide if i want to forget star guardian jinx or poppy more マホー

i cant decide if i want to forget star guardian jinx or poppy more マホー
i'll decide for you
